(Asheville | United States )

Xplore Asheville Homestay

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O szkole Xplore Asheville Homestay

Xplore’s all-round American summer language and cultural programme designed for teenagers

Located in the soft rolling mountains of western North Carolina, Asheville is home to 85,000 people. Here the relaxed southern US lifestyle blends harmoniously with creative young vibes from Europe.

With scenic trails, waterfalls and lots to do, Asheville is suited to teenagers who are looking for the fun and adventure of an English language immersion trip with organised activities and excursions with other travelling students.

Xplore learners are welcomed into the homes of friendly local host families, whose own children may also attend our day camp for an authentic American camp experience. During the week, you will participate in English classes, local fun and educational activities, such as volunteering, plus full day trips to leisure highlights in the area including theme parks and white-water rafting.


  • Futbol amerykański
  • Baseball
  • Koszykówka
  • Piłka nożna
  • Golf
  • Pływanie
  • Tenis
  • Siatkówka
  • Alpinizm

Usługi dodatkowe

  • Sporty wodne
  • Lotnisko transferowe/Stacja transferowa
  • Pomoc w uzyskaniu wizy


  • Zakwaterowanie u rodziny goszczącej
  • Zakwaterowanie u rodziny goszczącej bez uczniów posługujących się tym samym językiem ojczystym


  • Turystyka kulturalna (teatr, muzyka, itp.)
  • Piesze wycieczki
  • Wydarzenia na terenie kampusu
  • Wolontariat
  • Profesjonalne imprezy sportowe
  • Lokalne wydarzenia kulturalne (festiwale, itp.)


Angielski - Kursy letnie

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto, Góry

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz.

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów

Poziomy: Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany, Zaawansowani

Following a comprehensive language assessment at the beginning of the course, our American teachers will determine each student’s English level and place everyone into the appropriate class to your ability. This camp offers Elementary (A2), Intermediate (B1) and Advanced (B2) courses in English.

Typically, English classroom learning time in Asheville is approximately 14 hours per week and our class sizes are small with approximately 12 students of mixed nationality per teacher. Whilst international teens are in English class, our American campers will be taking language lessons too – so that everyone is learning to not only communicate in a range of languages but also an appreciation for other cultures and traditions.

We understand that improving language skills comes from engaging students with interesting debates, topics and teaching methods. Our English classes are very interactive covering both general and local topics, such as education, youth culture, holidays, politics, history, and themes of ‘high school’ with its own characteristics like: school spirit, course offerings and extra-curricular activities. To really bring everyone together, American students will join the English classes once a week for authentic conversation practice.

At the end of the 3-4-week course, our teachers will determine the appropriate Anglia Examinations exam level based on each student’s performance during the course. We will then receive a certificate from Anglia Examinations, which confirms your English level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference.

For students achieving a pass grade or higher for B1 and B2, they will receive an Ofqual approved certificate through Anglia Examinations partnership with AIM Awards.



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