(North Vancouver | Canada )
DEA Canadian College

O szkole DEA Canadian College
Welcome To Our Language and ESL School Vancouver
DEA Canadian College is located in beautiful North Vancouver nestled within the Coastal Mountains of British Columbia. We offer an array of academic courses ranging from ESL and tutoring to Business English. DEA Canadian College employs dynamic certified teachers that will help students explore and discover their unique skills to get them on the right path for learning. We are warm, welcoming and supportive. Contact us and let’s get started!
Usługi dodatkowe
- Lotnisko transferowe/Stacja transferowa
- Udogodnienia dla uczniów niepełnosprawnych
- Doradztwo dla uczniów
- Zakwaterowanie u rodziny goszczącej
- Zakwaterowanie u rodziny goszczącej bez uczniów posługujących się tym samym językiem ojczystym
- Mieszkanie dzielone
- Dom studencki
Praca i dalsza nauka
- Dalsza nauka akademicka dostępna na terenie kampusu
- Program Au Pair i nauka języka
- Turystyka kulturalna (teatr, muzyka, itp.)
- Piesze wycieczki
- Zwiedzanie zabytków historycznych
- Historia
- Wydarzenia na terenie kampusu
- Wolontariat
- Wprowadzenie do różnic kulturowych
- Lokalne wydarzenia kulturalne (festiwale, itp.)
Angielski ogólny
100% Recenzje: 3
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Rozmiary klas: Duża, 11-20 uczniów, Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Jeden na jeden
Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz., Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.
ESL Program
All DEA course levels align directly with the Canadian Language Benchmarks. Topics included in cover areas of interest to the student and are designed to improve fluency and build confidence. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are integral parts of the program. Interesting course content has been designed to help students advance quickly.
Introductory & Elementary – Basics:
Level 1: Student will build their confidence communicating in everyday situations and be able to express personal information, likes/dislikes, descriptions and identify items. Learners will interact in a simple way and can answer basic questions using familiar words. Lesson plans are personalized, engaging and fun igniting student interest.
Level 2: Students can introduce themselves to others and understand simple questions and concepts. Learners will communicate basic information using short sentences and phrases in relation to needs and experiences. Vocabulary through listening and speaking activities/exercises and comprehend simple directions.
Level 3: Students will learn to communicate information and express ideas using simple sentences in relation to current needs and experiences. Learners will understand the fundamentals of basic grammar structures and verb tenses and will continue to build their vocabulary bank and develop control in communicating in informal routine situations.
Level 4: Students will continue to build their vocabulary and communicate information in relation to everyday experiences and activities with a focus on personal wants and needs. Learners will develop control in communications in informal and formal conversations. In this course, you will be able to ask and respond to questions, tell a simple story or describe situations.
Level 5: Students will develop reading and writing skills to enhance communications and be able to participate in casual conversations about personal and professional interests. In addition, students will continue to demonstrate their understanding of a variety of real-life situations based on listening, speaking, reading and writing activities.
Level 6: Students will improve their English skills for academic, community and workplace settings. They will continue to build their vocabulary bank in order to communicate with more confidence and continue to incorporate previously learned structures with new ideas.
Upper Intermediate:
Level 7: Students will progress using an increasing variety of grammatical structures and develop control of complex structures. Learners will be able to interact in relation to social routines, educational and work situations. Fuller comprehension will be realized in relation to stories, articles, ideas, and sayings.
Level 8: Students will develop the ability to interact effectively in the community and workplace. Learners will continue to develop vocabulary and grammar structures in order to communicate about a variety of everyday topics with relative ease. Learners will experiment with new and uncommon words while speaking.
Level 1: Emphasis is placed on refining expressive language skills. Students will gain control over a wide variety of complex grammatical structures and a range of concrete, abstract language. Idiomatic language. Nuances and subtleties will be incorporated into lesson plans in order to meet higher level needs. Students will increase reading comprehension to comprehend the big picture and understand common mistakes.
Level 2: Proficiency is developed by comprehending complex phrases and verb tenses and master sentence structure. The learner will broaden their knowledge of grammar, writing and reading comprehension. Conversational strategies are introduced in order for students to understand language creativity.
Integrated Courses:
Students will develop proficiency in English in the four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Learners gain knowledge of new environments that are necessary for successful integration into schools and the community. Some students with limited English skills may require taking introductory courses based on the school’s curriculum. Evaluations will be made on an individual basis.
Practice and refine all aspects of pronunciation: sound, intonation, stress, and mechanics. Students will focus on accent reduction by studying proper English sound production, word and sentence-level stress and intonation. Through the means of group and pair discussions, dialogues and other activities, learners strengthen and fine-tune their English conversation and communication skills gaining functional communicability and increasing self-confidence through speech monitoring techniques. They will be encouraged to speak more spontaneously during class activities and presentations to improve oral communications.
Communications/Conversation, Cultural Immersion:
Develop your ability to interact effectively in both formal and casual contexts
Learn Canadian culture and the Canadian academic and professional milieu
Learn idioms, social norms and body language to broaden your communication skills through discussion group activities
Angielski - przygotowanie do egzaminu
0% Recenzje: 0
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów
Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz., Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz.
Oferowane egzaminy i przygotowanie: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, TESOL, TOEIC, TESOL, TOEIC
Program Description:
Prepare for the official IELTS Test (The International English Language Testing System) in this focused intensive preparation program. IELTS is a highly dependable, practical and valid English language assessment available throughout the world. It is used by individuals who are seeking international education and professional recognition. It is benchmarked to international standards and global mobility.
Course Objectives:
This course prepares high intermediate to advanced level students for the IELTS.
Practice reading a variety of text types. The reading tasks include skimming for gist, scanning for details, understanding text structure/cohesion, deducing meaning from context and interpreting inference, attitude, and style, completing notes, sentences, tables, summaries, and diagrams or flowcharts
Practice writing formal reports of 150 words in length based on interpretive information of data displayed in bar charts, line graphs, tables; the stages of a particular process or procedure; and/or an
event/series of events. Essays of 250 words in length to present/discuss opinions, solutions to problems, arguments including evidence
Practice different language tasks-types through a variety of activities, lectures, role-play, games and assignments
Program Requirement:
To be admitted to DEA IELTS program, prospective students must meet specific requirements regarding age, prior education, English level, and demonstrated proficiency in the basic skills required for college-level work.
All Application Must:
Have a secondary school diploma or equivalent
Be at least 18 years of age
Students must submit proof that he/she meets all of the program’s admission criteria (e.g. transcript, proof of age, etc.).
All applicants whose first language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency.
Angielski - przygotowanie akademickie
0% Recenzje: 0
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów
Angielski biznesowy
100% Recenzje: 2
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów
Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.
Oferowane egzaminy i przygotowanie: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, Cambridge CAE, TESOL, TOEIC, TESOL, TOEIC
Business English Courses
Business English – Basics:
Improve your Business English Language skills
Develop your Business Vocabulary and Reading skills
Develop your Business Communication style
Learn how to make requests in the context of Business English
Business Writing:
Learn how to write a successful Resume and Cover letter
Learn how to write a Business Letters and Emails
Help you make effective presentations in English
Learn how to develop your expertise in Content writing
English for Business Speaking:
Improve your Business English Vocabulary
Improve your Business English Communication skills
Help you deliver professional Business speeches
Help you improve your Networking skills
Business Foundation:
Develop basic literacy in the Language of Business
Learn the fundamentals of Marketing
Learn cross-cultural awareness within the Business sector
Learn Marketing Strategy
Develop Business knowledge and skills to start up a new business or improve your Business
Business Plan Development:
Create a sound ‘living’ document
Develop an Executive summary, target market, operational strategy, marketing research analysis
Business English for Meetings and Presentations:
You will learn how to arrange a meeting through email and by phone
Learn Vocabulary and skills related to participating in meetings
Participate in on-site meetings and/or Teleconferences with more confidence
How to use persuasive language in a Business presentation
How to use Graphs and Charts
Help you make effective presentations in English
How to organize information for your presentations
How to present in an organized and engaging way
Angielski online
100% Recenzje: 1
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Profesjonalny angielski
0% Recenzje: 0
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów
Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.
TESOL Certificate
Program Description:
The objectives of this course are to teach students the fundamentals of TESOL and to prepare students for the Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test. Students who take this course will be more confident in presenting and giving instructions; and will be given the opportunity to lead ESL activities and observe an ESL class.
Why Take TESOL?
English is the most widely taught language in the world and around 2 billion (28%) of the world’s population speaks it
Educators with TESOL training are very marketable, especially in a multilingual, multicultural environment as diverse as Canada
Gain hands-on teaching experience by planning and delivering practice lessons and observing experienced teachers
Training in TESOL is also valuable for overseas teaching and an excellent preparation for missions and cross-cultural work
Program Requirement:
To be admitted to DEA TESOL program, prospective students must meet specific requirements regarding age, prior education, English level, and demonstrated proficiency in the basic skills required for college-level work.
All Applicants Must:
18 years of age or older
Successful completion of an interview with the TESOL Program Manager
Submission of a letter of intent outlining your goals for taking the TESOL program
Domestic students must hold an Undergraduate Degree
International students must hold an Undergraduate Degree and a TOEFL iBT Score 101
(minimum of 27 in speaking/writing, 23 in listening, 24 in reading) OR IELTS Academic 6.5 overall with a minimum score of 6.5 in each skill area
Course Components:
Principles of teaching language
Knowledge of the English language
Cross-cultural communications
Experience in the ESL classroom
Angielski - kursy spersonalizowane
100% Recenzje: 1
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Angielski - Kursy letnie
0% Recenzje: 0
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz., Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.
Week Days 9:00 am – 12 Noon 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Week 1 Monday
Friday Welcome Orientation
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons Downtown Tour: Canada Place & Lunch Pizza
Focused English Practice
Science World & the Omni-Max Theatre
Focused English Practice
Biking around Stanley Park
Week 2 Monday
Friday Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons Vancouver Public Library & Shopping: Robson Street Walk
Focused English Practice
Capilano Hatchery & Cleveland Dam Tour
Focused English Practice
Queen Elizabeth Park/Botanical Gardens
Week 3 Monday
Friday Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons Harbour Center Tower Tour
Focused English Practice
UBC Tour
Focused English Practice
Granville Island Market, Boat Rental around Granville Island & English Bay picnic
Week 4 Monday
Friday Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons
Integrated English Lessons Lynn Canyon Park & Suspension Bridge – North Vancouver
Focused English Practice
Movies or Bowling
Focused English Practice
Lonsdale Quay, Horseshoe Bay Tour & Picnic
Saturday & Sunday Excursions
Angielski - szkolenia dla nauczycieli
100% Recenzje: 2
Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 10-70
Typ lokalizacji: Miasto
Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany
Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów
Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.
DEA_2020.pdfPDF | 2MB dodane 08.13.2020 Ściągnij
Co mówią uczniowie
Podziel wg:
donya aghamohseni Kanada
uczył(a) się Angielski biznesowyDental office administration
I have learned so much in class.
Teacher Nina is very thoughtful and kind and caring towards students. She’s very patient and cares about their students. Thank you Shabnam
opublikował(a) 4 lat temu
Mahshid Az Kanada
uczył(a) się Angielski ogólnyThank you
I had been in Nahideh’s class. I was happy to have her as my teacher. She was an excellent teacher and I learned from her a lot . Thank you so much Nahideh!
opublikował(a) 4 lat temu
maryam malekpour Irlandia
uczył(a) się Angielski onlineResponsible Adults
I’m so glad finished my course at DEA, special thanks to Nina joon, best teacher ever. On time classes, warm and welcoming environment and flexibility made it easier and more enjoyable.
opublikował(a) 4 lat temu
M.M Hasani Kanada
uczył(a) się Angielski ogólnyChildcare provider responsible adults
It was the best course I have ever had and nahid jon is the best and most moral teacher I have ever seen. She is patient and explain everything very well with kindness and lovely smile.
opublikował(a) 4 lat temu
Azin Ehsan Iran
uczył(a) się Angielski - kursy spersonalizowaneESL
A friendly environment to learn English. Crash courses with great results. Variety and fun spices up learning experience. Exam preparation courses work well.
opublikował(a) 6 lat temu
Farzane Ft Iran
uczył(a) się Angielski - szkolenia dla nauczycieliHi
Great school, very professional team, high academic level, friendly ambiance. All you are seeking in an academic environment! They will even modify courses according to your needs!
opublikował(a) 6 lat temu
Yalda AV Iran
uczył(a) się Angielski - szkolenia dla nauczycieliMrs.
Great School with professional teachers and academic environment. You will definitely benefit from joining this school. The school is located in beautiful British Colombia, amazing North Shore, and 10 minutes to downtown Vancouver.
opublikował(a) 6 lat temu
Arash Hassani Kanada
uczył(a) się Angielski biznesowyArash
Best place to learn a new language; very effective teaching methods, professional and caring staff, great location and environment.
Teachers go out of their way and use different techniques to ensure all students in the class are learning effectively.
opublikował(a) 6 lat temu
Sofia Buratto Guesser Brazylia
uczył(a) się Angielski ogólnyStrongly Recommend
The instructors at Discover English Academy are very committed and they offer a wide variety of programs. The classes have few students to make sure that everyone will learn. Great choice!
opublikował(a) 7 lat temu