(Montreux | Switzerland )

friLingue - Summer Camps for Teens in Switzerland

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, Montreux (view map)
60% (2 reviews)

O szkole friLingue - Summer Camps for Teens in Switzerland

Welcome to friLingue!

Do you prefer relaxing on the beach, or are you the adventure seeking type? Are you a bit of a culture vulture, or do you prefer to jump around and dance?

Either way, at friLingue, we promise to make your holidays an unforgettable experience. With friLingue you can learn French, German or English in a fun and easy-going environment - and you‘ll get to interact with other young people from all over the world!


  • Dom studencki
  • W hotelu/pensjonacie


  • Narciarstwo
  • Taniec
  • Tenis
  • Pływanie
  • Siatkówka
  • Ping-pong
  • Alpinizm
  • Snowboard
  • Badminton
  • Koszykówka
  • Piłka nożna

Usługi dodatkowe

  • Sporty wodne
  • Lotnisko transferowe/Stacja transferowa
  • Pomoc w uzyskaniu wizy


  • Sztuka/Malowanie
  • Teatr
  • Muzyka
  • Film
  • Taniec
  • Sauna/ Wellness
  • Gotowanie
  • Historia sztuki
  • Turystyka kulturalna (teatr, muzyka, itp.)
  • Piesze wycieczki
  • Historia
  • Filozofia
  • Fotografia
  • Wydarzenia na terenie kampusu


Niemiecki - kurs dla juniorów

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 6-17

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów, Jeden na jeden

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto, Obszar wiejski, Góry

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Średnio-zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy

Since 2007, fRilingue has organised language camps in Switzerland.

Do you prefer relaxing on the beach, or are you an adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie? Are you a bit of a culture vulture, or do you prefer to jump around and dance?

Either way, at fRilingue, we promise to make your summer holidays an unforgettable experience. With fRilingue you can learn French, German or English in a fun and easy-going environment - And you will get to interact with other young people from all over the world!

Francuski - kurs dla juniorów

100% Recenzje: 1

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 6-17

Rozmiary klas: Mała, 2-5 uczniów, Jeden na jeden, Średnia, 6-10 uczniów

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Średnio-zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto, Obszar wiejski, Góry

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz.

Since 2007, fRilingue has organised language camps in Switzerland.

Do you prefer relaxing on the beach, or are you an adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie? Are you a bit of a culture vulture, or do you prefer to jump around and dance?

Either way, at fRilingue, we promise to make your summer holidays an unforgettable experience. With fRilingue you can learn French, German or English in a fun and easy-going environment - And you will get to interact with other young people from all over the world!

Angielski - kurs dla juniorów

20% Recenzje: 1

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 6-17

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz.

Poziomy: Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani, Zaawansowani

Typ lokalizacji: Obszar wiejski, Miasto, Góry

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów, Jeden na jeden

Since 2007, fRilingue has organised language camps in Switzerland.

Do you prefer relaxing on the beach, or are you an adventure-seeking adrenaline junkie? Are you a bit of a culture vulture, or do you prefer to jump around and dance?

Either way, at fRilingue, we promise to make your summer holidays an unforgettable experience. With fRilingue you can learn French, German or English in a fun and easy-going environment - And you will get to interact with other young people from all over the world!


  • fRilingue_PriceList_2018-WEB.pdf
    PDF | 755kB dodane 04.05.2018 Ściągnij
  • fRilingue-InternationalBrochure-2018-WEB.pdf
    PDF | 4MB dodane 04.05.2018 Ściągnij


Recenzje: 2

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friLingue - Summer Camps for Teens in Switzerland


uczył(a) się Angielski - kursy dla dzieci

Some improvement are possible

My 11-year-old brother was in Braunwald camp on the last week of August 2022. It was a very unpleasant experience because of several reasons.

Firstly, we booked a 2-bed room, but my brother was allocated to a 4-bed accommodation, which we realized right in the camp when we brought the kid there. No one informed us about this before and no reimbursement was suggested to us.

Second, during the camp my brother’s Nintendo game was stolen. It was a big shock for my brother, he loved this game very much and was very disappointed. Camp staff behaved unprofessional - instead of taking kid’s side and support him, he was accused that he brought the game to the camp. Strange reaction for people who work with kids.

Third, the entertainment program was very poor. No hiking, no forest visits, just one visit to the swimming pool and that’s it. The entertainment program did not meet the camp price at all.

To sum up, we don’t recommend the FriLingue camp and feel very disappointed that we chose it.

Upd: Just receive the phone call when the guy was screaming on me because of this review.

opublikował(a) 2 lat temu

friLingue - Summer Camps for Teens in Switzerland


uczył(a) się Francuski - kursy dla dzieci

Very good experience

I liked the small groups of 6 participants and the small camps with only 40 participants. A lot of fun and big progress in French :-)

opublikował(a) 8 lat temu



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