(Ottawa | Canada )

ADE Languages

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1390 Prince of Wales Dr. , Ottawa (view map)

O szkole ADE Languages

Congratulations on choosing an ADE Language training academic school at the heart of the nation’s capital where the motto is “We help shape success, one student at a time”. At ADE-Languages, the language training process takes only a year, but the experience, knowledge and friendships gained last a lifetime.

Free High-tech Computer Lab
Students get FREE access to a high-tech Internet Computer Lab. Equipped with more than 30 brand new stations, students may surf the web, study or chat with friends and family.

General English
The General English course teaches students everyday English with a focus on listening and speaking. You will cover all the skills necessary to improve your English level.

We offer a pleasant learning environment with historic yet innovative facilities.

Usługi dodatkowe

  • Doradztwo dla uczniów


Angielski ogólny

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 16-70

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz.

The General English course teaches students everyday English with a focus on listening and speaking. You will cover all the skills necessary to improve your English level.



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