(Cape Town | South Africa )

UCT English Language Centre

Dodaj szkołę do ulubionych
32-37 Orange Street, Gardens , Kapsztad (view map)
100% (5 reviews)

O szkole UCT English Language Centre

The English Language Centre (ELC) is located right in the centre of Cape Town, giving you easy access to all the attractions, shops, and cafes. It also offers a wide range of English language courses to suit your needs. Accommodation is provided either in a student residence (only 18-minute walk from the school) or with local host families, which is an amazing way to get to know the South-African culture.

At ELC we use a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, putting the student's individual language learning needs at the heart of what we do. We believe students learn English best when engaged in real-life communication activities, which help them develop strategies for communicative competence.
ELC also organises weekly social activities, so you can explore Cape Town and the nearby area with your friends. In addition, you also have access to over 100 UCT student societies and over 40 sports clubs (incl. Film Society, Wine and Cultural Society or Surfing, Wakeboarding and Football club.)

ELC focuses on your individual needs and learning style, and gets you communicating confidently from the start. Whether you want to learn English for conversational or business use, or to complete the IELTS, TOEFL, FCE or CAE exams, there is an English course tailored to your needs.
Courses Available:
Adults (Usually +16 years)
General English
General English and Language Excursions
IELTS Preparation
Business English
Academic English
Exam Preparation
Teacher Training
Online Course
Pathway Programme


  • Wspinaczka
  • Piłka nożna
  • Golf
  • Hokej
  • Jazda konna
  • Rugby
  • Narciarstwo
  • Tenis
  • Nurkowanie
  • Lotniarstwo
  • Squash

Usługi dodatkowe

  • Sporty wodne
  • Lotnisko transferowe/Stacja transferowa
  • Doradztwo dla uczniów
  • Pomoc w uzyskaniu wizy


  • Zakwaterowanie u rodziny goszczącej
  • Własne mieszkanie
  • W hotelu/pensjonacie
  • Dom studencki

Praca i dalsza nauka

  • Program Au Pair i nauka języka
  • Doświadczenie zawodowe/ praktyki w lokalnych firmach


  • Architektura
  • Taniec
  • Film
  • Muzyka
  • Teatr
  • Sztuka/Malowanie
  • Historia sztuki
  • Gotowanie
  • Turystyka kulturalna (teatr, muzyka, itp.)
  • Moda
  • Piesze wycieczki
  • Zwiedzanie zabytków historycznych
  • Historia
  • Fotografia
  • Wolontariat
  • Uniwersyteckie imprezy towarzyskie dla studentów
  • Wspinaczka skałkowa
  • Profesjonalne imprezy sportowe
  • Lokalne wydarzenia kulturalne (festiwale, itp.)


Angielski ogólny

96% Recenzje: 4

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 18-70

Rozmiary klas: Duża, 11-20 uczniów, Mała, 2-5 uczniów, Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Jeden na jeden

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany, Średnio-zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz., Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz.

Typ lokalizacji: Miasteczko uniwersyteckie

Our General English courses are ideal if you use English for everyday purposes. We offer year-round general English courses for all levels, from Elementary to Advanced, starting every Monday. With courses ranging from 20 to 30 lessons a week, we have a course to suit different budgets, daily schedules and language learning needs.

Angielski - przygotowanie do egzaminu

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 18-70

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Jeden na jeden, Mała, 2-5 uczniów

Typ lokalizacji: Miasteczko uniwersyteckie

Oferowane egzaminy i przygotowanie: Cambridge FCE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge CPE

On the standard IELTS preparation course you will study 20 lessons a week from 9.00 to 13.00. The course will focus on training exam strategies in the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Can also be combined with English for Academic Purposes or Business English in the afternoon in an Intensive or Semi Intensive courses.

Angielski - przygotowanie akademickie

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 18-70

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

Typ lokalizacji: Miasteczko uniwersyteckie

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Jeden na jeden, Mała, 2-5 uczniów

Poziomy: Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany, Zaawansowani

The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programme is offered as an afternoon elective to students taking an intensive or semi intensive course. It is aimed at students who are planning to study a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at UCT or another university where English is the medium of instruction.

Angielski biznesowy

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 18-70

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Wyższy średnio zaawansowany, Średnio-zaawansowani

Typ lokalizacji: Miasteczko uniwersyteckie

Rozmiary klas: Mała, 2-5 uczniów

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

The Business English course takes place in the afternoons twice or four times a week, and is combined with a Standard course in the morning.


  • ELC Brochure
    PDF | 1MB dodane 01.26.2021 Ściągnij
  • ELC Brochure German
    PDF | 1MB dodane 01.26.2021 Ściągnij
  • ELC Brochure French
    PDF | 1MB dodane 01.26.2021 Ściągnij
  • ELC Brochure Portuguese
    PDF | 1MB dodane 01.26.2021 Ściągnij
  • ELC Brochure Spanish
    PDF | 1MB dodane 01.26.2021 Ściągnij
  • 2023 Price List
    PDF | 206kB dodane 11.27.2022 Ściągnij


Recenzje: 5

Co mówią uczniowie

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UCT English Language Centre


uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny

A great learning experience

I had a great time at Kurus, I improved my English, learned a lot about the culture of South Africa and met new friends.
Kurus English has the best team of teachers and adminstrative team.
I'm grateful for everything.

I'll always recomend Kurus

Best Regards from Brazil!


opublikował(a) 6 lat temu

UCT English Language Centre


uczył(a) się Angielski - kursy spersonalizowane

language culture discovery + private

Great experience!

opublikował(a) 7 lat temu

UCT English Language Centre


Thank you very much, dear Melanie. It was great having you here!

opublikował(a) 7 lat temu

UCT English Language Centre


uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny


I took part in a two weeks course in February 2010 and it was the best experience in my life.
The teachers were very helpful and friendly, the language experiences / excursions were interessting and I felt perfect all the time.
I think it's one of the best schools in Cape Town and I'll recommend the school all the time.
Kind regards from Hamburg, Germany

opublikował(a) 11 lat temu

UCT English Language Centre

Republika Południowej Afryki   

uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny

Great learn experience!!!

It is quite dificult to find the balance between learning and fun. However, in my experience in Kurus English one could say they really have created that balance. It was very interesting to see how the language excursions work - integrating the language with the culture and the reality of the country. It was a great learning experience and also different. Kurus English has a very profesional adminstrative team and a highly qualified teachers team who make all that possible.

opublikował(a) 11 lat temu

UCT English Language Centre


uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny


I took part in a two weeks course in April 2013. It was just great. Everybody did a great job. I learned much and had lots of fun. The excursions gave a great and vivid impression of Cape Town, and I met a lot of interesting people. I would never have seen all this on my own. I especially enjoyed the excursions dealing with food and cuisine and even cooked boboti several times at home.

Shortly: I had a phantastic time at Kurus and in Cape Town which left marks on me. A warm "Thank you" to all staff at Kurus. I can and will recommend your school!

All the best from Germany.


opublikował(a) 11 lat temu



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