
ROLANG SCHOOL (Bukareszt / Bukareszt / Rumunia)

ROLANG School specializes in teaching Romanian language courses to international students (business

Lingua Franca Centre (Bukareszt / Bukareszt / Rumunia)
Inlingua - Bucharest (Bukareszt / Bukareszt / Rumunia)
IH Bucharest (Bukareszt / Bukareszt / Rumunia)

The International House World Organisation (IHWO) is a network of language schools worldwide that are committed to implementing high standards of quality and innovation in education and training....

IH Timisoara (Timişoara / Timiș / Rumunia)

The International House World Organisation (IHWO) is a network of language schools worldwide that are committed to implementing high standards of quality and innovation in education and training....

Correct Language Centre (Brno / South Moravian Region / Republika Czeska)
Aula Romana (Rzym / Gallicano nel Lazio / Włochy)