(Montreal | Canada )

Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)

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8255 Mountain Sights #150 , Montreal (view map)
90% (12 reviews)

O szkole Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)

Our beautiful institution is located five minutes from the metro station De la Savane. MIILA offers you a cosmopolitan language-learning experience in a cozy and familial environment. Small classes provide you with personal lessons catered to your ability, and the extracurricular activities organized by the school will guide you through the diverse cultural and social activities that Montreal has to offer, no matter the weather! Our diverse variety of students is reflected by our multinational staff, in an open and friendly atmosphere that will become your home away from home. Speaking of home, our carefully selected home stays and residences will guarantee you a comfortable and safe environment. Our institution offers a large variety of services to help make your stay spectacular. You can benefit from Internet access, lunch and lounge area, as well as a convenient location that allows you to be close to most tourist spots in the city, like the Old Port, the Underground City, Mont-Royal, and many more.


  • Piłka nożna
  • Narciarstwo
  • Snowboard

Usługi dodatkowe

  • Lotnisko transferowe/Stacja transferowa
  • Doradztwo dla uczniów
  • Pomoc w uzyskaniu wizy


  • Zakwaterowanie u rodziny goszczącej
  • Własne mieszkanie
  • W hotelu/pensjonacie

Praca i dalsza nauka

  • Uczniowie prawnie dopuszczeni do pracy/mogący pracować podczas kursu
  • Dalsza nauka akademicka dostępna na terenie kampusu
  • Doświadczenie zawodowe/ praktyki w lokalnych firmach


  • Moda
  • Zwiedzanie zabytków historycznych
  • Wydarzenia na terenie kampusu
  • Profesjonalne imprezy sportowe
  • Lokalne wydarzenia kulturalne (festiwale, itp.)


Francuski ogólny

88% Recenzje: 6

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 16-70

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz., Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

French as a Second Language (FSL)
M.I.I.L.A. offers 11 levels of FSL, at different intensities: part-time, full-time and intensive. Depending on your level, your classes will either be in the morning or in the afternoon. All schedules include two 10-mminute breaks.

Angielski ogólny

90% Recenzje: 6

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 16-70

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani

Rozmiary klas: Średnia, 6-10 uczniów, Jeden na jeden

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb swobodny 10-15 godz./tydz., Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

M.I.I.L.A. offers 12 levels of ESL, at different intensities: part-time, full-time and intensive. Depending on your level, your classes will either be in the morning or in the afternoon. All schedules include two 10-minute breaks.

Inten­si­ties Hours/week Hours/day Lessons/week – (50 min) Days of the week Ten­ta­tive Schedule
Part-time 15 3 18 Mon­day to Friday Choose 15 hrs of courses
Inten­sive 22.5 4.5 27 Mon­day to Friday 9:00 am – 1:30 pm or 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Super-intensive 30 6 36 Mon­day to Friday 9:00 am – 3:30 pm or 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm



Recenzje: 12

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Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)


uczył(a) się Francuski ogólny

An amazing experience.

In my opinion, Miila is an excellent language school, it has a great program, awesome teachers, is a place where you can meet new people from different countries and you actually enjoy learning a new language... If you're looking for somewhere to study English or French, this is the place for you! I studied French at Milla for 6 weeks during last summer, and I'm really happy with the results. I barely knew any French when I arrived and even though I just reached level 3, now I feel confortable to start conversations with other people in this language! The strategy and the program that they use for teaching it's really good. Oh! and that's not it! I even had the chance to improve a lot my English! In my country (El Salvador) you barely have any chance to practice English, and during the time I studied at Miila, even though I didn't take English classes, I met lots of people I could practice with! I met people from China, Mexico, Iran, Brazil, Colombia and many other countries; and that is one of the things that makes Miila so special, unlike other places, Miila makes learning not a boring thing, and lets you have fun while you do it! It gives you the chance to visit new places, meet new people and learn new things! It truly was a life changing experience, I loved it! And I have zero complains about anything! Thanks Miila for such an amazing experience!

opublikował(a) 7 lat temu

Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)


uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny

Super nice experience

Great staff, great teachers, great management, love them all. I also learn a little bit of french like je m'appelle Ascanio, comment ca va? ca va bien merci à bientôt

opublikował(a) 8 lat temu

Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)


uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny


Milla es una escuela en la qual pudesse a prender de forma rápida y sencilla inglês y francês
los profesores son realmente muy buenos y te ayudan a compreender y entender de la menor forma posible el idioma que estas ejerciendo
Milla cruenta com actividades que acne que los estudiantes puedan parasitar su el idioma, cubata com clases de convesacion en donde te apoyan a la pronunciacion y el mejoramiento de ingles o francês

de potra forma puder decir que gracias a MIILA me sinto segura de poder hablar, escribir y pronunciar mi segundo idioma, estoy muy contenta de haber estudado en esta intucion por todo los veneficios y viajes que me ofrecieron en mi estadia en montreal

opublikował(a) 8 lat temu

Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)


uczył(a) się Angielski ogólny

Miila nice for learn a language!

Miila is a pretty good school for learn English or french. What I really love is Miila's teachers. They are pretty friendly, talktatives and professional teachers. I feel I have been improve my english skills and now I feel capable to talk with a native english speaker.

opublikował(a) 8 lat temu

Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)


uczył(a) się Francuski ogólny

A good school

MIILA is a great school, the staff is very nice and the teachers are good, it's a little far from the city but it's close to the metro station. Completely worth it

opublikował(a) 8 lat temu

Montreal International Institute of Language Arts (MIILA)


uczył(a) się Francuski ogólny

Laurea triennale

Economia e finanza

opublikował(a) 8 lat temu



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