(Brisbane | Australia )

TAFE Queensland

Segnalibro scuola
66 Ernest Street , Brisbane (view map)
28% (9 reviews)

Informazioni TAFE Queensland

TAFE Queensland is committed to providing international students with the practical skills they need to do extraordinary things.

We are the largest and most experienced provider of vocational education and training in the state. Each year we train over 125,000 international students from more than 90 countries in over 600 program areas.

TAFE Queensland has six regions that stretch from the far north to the south-east corner of the state. Our locations in coastal, regional and metropolitan areas mean you can choose the location that suits you.

Practical, job-focused training is at the core of everything we do. Our degree programs combine university thinking with TAFE hands-on learning, so you get the best of both worlds. Our graduates are sought after in Australia and overseas with nearly 90% going on to work or further study.

At TAFE Queensland you'll gain hands-on experience in modern classrooms, laboratories and workshops using state of the art facilities, materials and systems used in industry.

Our qualifications are recognised across Australia and respected world-wide, and we offer a broad range of study options across certificate, diploma, advanced diploma, associate degree, bachelor degree, and master degree levels.

With over 180 courses across 15 study areas, TAFE Queensland can help you make great happen.


  • Turismo culturale (teatro, museo, etc.)
  • Apparecchi di cottura
  • Musica
  • Letteratura
  • Eventi locali culturali (festival, ecc)
  • Teatro
  • Volontariato
  • Arte / Pittura
  • Eventi sul campus
  • Sauna / Benessere
  • Fotografia
  • Moda


  • Appartamento
  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante senza studenti della stessa lingua madre
  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante
  • Casa dello studente
  • Appartamento condiviso
  • In hotel / pensione

Lavoro e ulteriori studi

  • Esperienza di lavoro / stage presso aziende locali
  • Ulteriori studi accademici disponibili sul campus
  • Lingua e studio Au pair
  • Studente legalmente autorizzati a lavorare / guadagnare soldi durante corso

Servizi aggiuntivi

  • Consulenza agli studenti
  • Strutture per studenti disabili


  • Calcio
  • Football australiano
  • Golf
  • Surf


Generale Inglese

28% 9 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 17-70

Ore settimanali: Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana, Generale 15-25 ore / settimana, Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

Tipo di località: Montagne, Mare, Campagna, Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti

Want to study English in Australia? Our English Language Programs have been developed to offer you condensed yet comprehensive courses to improve your English language skills. We offer six levels of programs, from elementary to advanced English for Academic Purposes (EAP) as well as International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test preparation. All levels equate with the Common European Framework (CEF) to ensure your results are internationally viable as well as providing direct access pathways into TAFE Queensland courses.



9 Recensioni

Cosa stanno dicendo gli studenti

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Risultati della ricerca: 9 della 9 totale risultati
TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

TAE Training and Assessment (Online)

This was one of the worst courses I have started. Being fee free it was inviting however there's a reason for this. The amount of self-directed work was comical. I'm guessing the staff needed to justify their ongoing positions as the 'pop ups' hyperlinks were excessive. I completed the course with a private learning organisation in a quarter of the time. This was a Certificate IV, not a Master's Degree
( which I have) I feel so sorry for the current students completing the crap that was required to fulfill the course through TAFE. In hindsight, the course was free for a reason....you work it out!

pubblicato 1 anno fa

TAFE Queensland

Regno Unito   

studiato Generale Inglese

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

This is a terrible course. Woeful. Do not study at QLD tafe.
Instructors are pedantic over tiny issues, completely missing the mark. It destroys any possible enjoyment in the journey of learning.
Materials are confusing and they expect you to answer they way they want.
TAFE Queensland need to change their culture away from pedantic nitpicking to actually being helpful.
This course is demands that you waste enormous amounts of time on 90% useless knowledge that adds very little skill and value to the job of taking care of children
Very stressful bending to pedantic demands of all the requirements.
Indeed a great burden.

pubblicato 1 anno fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

Don't do the diploma of nursing with them

Constantly looking at invoices to see I've been double or triple charged for subjects that I've not needed to do. Or was meant to do at a later term. Communication and actions is extremely poor and it adds so much extra stress to the studies. I've now been accepted into undergraduate certificate for nursing with Open Universities and plan to continue that and then bridge into the degree of Nursing. Tafe is just a waste of time and energy and wouldn't recommend doing anything with them.

pubblicato 1 anno fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

Poor teachers, no feedback

Awful studying with Tafe Online.
I did this to formalise my existing qualifications and help with another bit of accreditation and it was the worst thing I ever did. Stress high on something simple, deliberate nitpicking for no reason other than to be difficult and teachers that don't get back to you, offer no guidance, no structure.
Go to Monash or somewhere else instead.

pubblicato 2 anni fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

Diploma of Website Development

This is my worst mistake ever to choose study with TAFE QLD. Poorly structured study material and teacher assistance zero. Need to send reminder for a question asked many days ago. The only positive thing is employer see someone is qualified from TAFE QLD. Its better to study from proper institute than TAFE I suggest.

pubblicato 3 anni fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

Diploma of nursing

Don't waste your money. This course has the highest failure rate, a poor student teacher ratio and broken equipment. Your final assessments are 30 mins and if you fail you've done your money. Go to uni instead.

pubblicato 3 anni fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

Assist in medication

Emailed Tafe a week ago asking questions about this course. Received confirmation email that they got my questions but a week later no reply!
Called Tafe 5 days ago. The phone rang out so I left a message as asked but no call back.
Obviously Tafe standards are extremely low

pubblicato 3 anni fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

online study

I chose tafe online child care course because I thought it was so flexible and then started to study. In several months I had to hold it as my mental problem was getting worse and asked to tafe to hold it for several months, but they said it was impossible to do ,so they forced me to quit the course once and I might have to pay full fee next time ,if I want to go back . This is terrible experience, and so dissapointing. I would not go back there any more.
A Receptionist and a teacher were so cold too .

pubblicato 4 anni fa

TAFE Queensland


studiato Generale Inglese

Medical or on campus

Do not go here if you have a medical condition and need to put TAFE on pause or when something like the coronavirus occurs and they force you to go online when originally signed up to be on campus. Asked to put TAFE on pause until back on campus, they do not allow this and had to ask for a Refund then enrol again to find out they don’t give a full refund as they charge $100 administration fee that wasn’t my fault as I don’t cope online will now be studying elsewhere and won’t be going back to tafe.

pubblicato 4 anni fa



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