
Lingua Più - Centro Linguistico (Città di Castello / Umbria / Italia)

Our training centre has been working in Città di Castello since 1998. We offer courses on the main European and worldwide languages, for adults, children and companies, at all levels and suitable...

Lingua TerraMare (Orbetello / Toscana / Italia)

  The Italian language school Terramare located in Orbetello offers an intensive outdoor program with many cultural activities, as the courses that are held in small groups (not more than 2-6...

Madrelingua (Bologna / Emilia-Romagna / Italia)

the perfect place for Italian courses in Italy! As the regional capital of Emilia-Romagna, home to one

Scuola Portofino (Firenze / Toscana / Italia)

WELCOME TO ITALIAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL PORTOFINO Learn Italian in Italy & language courses & study

Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini (Viareggio / Toscana / Italia)

study vacation; a challenging program of study and some of the most beautiful beaches in Italy close to

Centro Machiavelli (Firenze / Toscana / Italia)

Our school of Italian language is located in the historic center of Florence , in Piazza Santo Spirito, one of the most beautiful squares of the city and one of the popular meeting place of...

Centro Italiano (Napoli / Giugliano / Italia)

largest seaside town of Italy and the third largest city in Italy after Rome and Milan. Visiting Naples

Centro Italiano Firenze (Firenze / Toscana / Italia)

Our school offers a wide variety of courses meeting various needs, requirements and interests of our language learners from abroad. We teach Italian language not only in classrooms but also together...

Centro Linguistico e Culturale Galatea (Catania / Sicilia / Italia)

individuals. After years of travelling and working all over Italy and abroad Elena Lussi, Manuela Mamazza and

Centro Studi Italiani Urbania (Urbania / Civitanova Marche / Italia)

students wishing to access higher education in Italy. Each week the school organizes cultural excursions