(Cork | Ireland )
Cork English World

Informazioni Cork English World
Cork English World, established in 2011, is located in Cork’s city centre. CEW is dedicated to the teaching of General & Business English, international Teacher Training and corporate Foreign Language training. This centre is located in one of Cork’s most historic buildings directly opposite the famous St. Finbarre’s Cathedral.
With combined experience of over 30 years in the ELT sector, directors Majellia and Mireille can guarantee the most effective and enjoyable English Language Learning experience.
With students from over 20 different countries you will have a truly international experience while enjoying Irish culture at Cork English World.
Servizi aggiuntivi
- Trasferimento aeroporto / stazione
- Strutture per studenti disabili
- Consulenza agli studenti
- Assistenza per visti
- Alloggio in famiglia ospitante
- Appartamento
- In hotel / pensione
Lavoro e ulteriori studi
- Lingua e studio Au pair
- Ballo
- Film
- Musica
- Teatro
- Turismo culturale (teatro, museo, etc.)
- Visite della città storica
Generale Inglese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti
Ore settimanali: Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana, Generale 15-25 ore / settimana