(Columbia | United States )

University of South Carolina

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Sumter Street , Columbia (view map)

Informazioni University of South Carolina

USC is a comprehensive university offering more than 350 degree programs and hosting more than 30,000 students. Established in 1979, EPI provides high quality instruction and friendly, personalized services, enabling international students to feel comfortable in their new environment and to succeed in U.S. universities and in their careers.

Accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA), EPI is distinguished by its expert teachers, its use of technology, and its adherence to the highest standards in all aspects of the program. Teachers are highly experienced professionals with master's and doctoral degrees.


Generale Inglese

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Principanti, Intermedio

This examination, consisting of a writing test and an oral interview, is designed to identify those students who need additional work on written and/or spoken English. Shortly after the examination, EPI makes recommendations to the students and to their academic advisors regarding appropriate study loads and the need (if warranted) for supplementary English courses.

There are three ENFS courses: Spoken Communication in English, Written Communication in English, and Oral English for International Teaching Assistants. USC students may enroll in these courses during normal university registration. The fee for taking an ENFS course is the standard per credit charge for USC students.

Inglese Preparazione esami

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Campus universitario

Livelli: Intermedio

Whether you plan to enroll in undergraduate, graduate school, law school, or business school, University Test Prep, University's official test preparation program can help you realize your academic and educational goals. University Test Prep, offered by the Continuing Education and Conferences Office, provides FREE Strategy Workshops and extended prep courses for the GMAT, LSAT, GRE, SAT, and ACT. All programs are open to the general public. University Test Prep offers test preparation courses designed by former GRE, LSAT, and SAT exam question writers. Our experienced and professional instructors are highly trained exam preparation experts.

Inglese Preparazione accademica

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Campus universitario

Livelli: Principanti, Intermedio

The intensive English program of English Programs for Internationals (EPI) of the University of South Carolina combines high-quality instruction with friendly, personalized service. EPI's intensive English program provides an opportunity for international students to improve their English language skills before entering a university in the United States. It is also appropriate for individuals who need English skills for professional reasons. EPI is designed to help international students feel comfortable and succeed in their new environment.

Corsi di Inglese su misura

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Campus universitario

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

The English Programs for Internationals works with groups to design English language programs tailored for their specific needs, goals, and time frames. We have expertise in providing training institutes for ESL and EFL teachers



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