(La Rochelle | France )
IEF Institut d'Études Françaises

Informazioni IEF Institut d'Études Françaises
The IEF French language Institute in La Rochelle is a renowned training centre in a unique city.
Opened in 1931, the IEF has over 80 years of experience in the teaching of French as a foreign language. The centre is open all year round and is well-equipped with modern teaching resources. Our team is always available to assist you and our aim is to ensure that you enjoy the most effective and memorable experiencehere with us.
Generale Francese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio
The programme includes:
- Intensive French language classes.
- Sports and cultural activities (so that you can experience multicultural life as
soon as you arrive in France).
All the activities aim to promote awareness and the integration of the School’s values such as the acceptance of others, respect for diversity, self-confidence, teamwork etc.
Affari Francese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Campus universitario
Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio
- To improve students’ level in French so that they can understand classes
taught in French more easily and accelerate their progress. The aim is to
reach level B1 on the Common European Frameworkof Reference for -
Languages by the end of the 1st semester, then level B2 by the end of the
academic year.
- To train students for the TEF (Test d’Evaluation du Français) French
language test for non-native speakers and to enable them to achieve the
score required to enter their preferred degree programme (with the
of admission to the 1st, or another year, of the ESC, BB, BI or BST
- To facilitate students’ integration and to help them adapt easily and on a
long-term basis, to French teaching methods and to life in France.
- To enable students to perform more confidently on degree-awarding courses.
-To enable students to carry out internships and ultimately, to pursue their
professional careers in France.
Formazione insegnanti di Francese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Intermedio
Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana
Taught over two weeks, this course is for teachers of FLE who wish to develop their teaching methods or enhance their professional skills. It aims to provide trainees with the tools required to design their own training programmes.
4 main areas are covered during the course:
- Using pictures and images to teach civilization,
- Manipulating words and meaning,
- Eliciting oral skills,
- Eliciting written skills.