(Waterford | Ireland )

EFL Ireland

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Waterpark College , Waterford (view map)
98% (5 reviews)

Informazioni EFL Ireland

Join us on Ireland's beautiful southeast coast in Waterford, Ireland's smallest and oldest city and also the warmest and sunniest part of Ireland. Along with improving English-speaking skills, we explore Ireland's beautiful coastline and countryside, visit many cultural and historical sites and experience a unique heritage and culture. One low price with 30 % commission includes: Weekday morning English training Afternoon activities & 3-4 excursions per week Saturday daytrips to Dublin, Cork, Kilkenny & Wexford Weekly evening social events All transportation and entry fees for excursions Full board accommodation for students and group-leader accomodation Completion Certificate & Trinity Preparation Overnight Mountain Hostel Stay at Glendalough National Park. Our competitively priced high-quality courses provide a friendly, positive and enjoyable environment where students can have a truly rewarding language learning experience. Our main learning focus is developing English fluency for use as a lingua franca - a tool to improve international communication. Along with our beautiful location, our key assets are high quality personable teachers & hosts and our activities & two weekly Clubdays - students choose from a Surfing, Mini-Golf / Driving Range, Laser-Tag Adventure, Swimming Club, Bowling-Billiards Club, Yoga & Pilates, Irish Dancing, Gaelic Football and a Martial Arts Club. EFL Ireland is accredited by the Irish Department of Education and Science, National Qualifications Authority of Ireland and is a member of ACELS (The Advisory Council of English Language Schools).


Generale Inglese

98% 5 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti



5 Recensioni

Cosa stanno dicendo gli studenti

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Risultati della ricerca: 5 della 5 totale risultati
EFL Ireland

Corea del Sud   

studiato Generale Inglese

Ireland is wonderful place to study English.

We are sorry to have to go. Ireland made my English so much more and I can speak up now. I cannot wait to come again! Thank you very much for making it so great.

pubblicato 3 anni fa

EFL Ireland

Corea del Nord   

studiato Generale Inglese

Perfect Place and Perfect Peaple!

We like this part of Ireland - green and sunny mostly. A small city but has everything. We see Dublin and Cork within two hours very easy. Thank you for making it so special.

pubblicato 3 anni fa

EFL Ireland


studiato Generale Inglese

Waterford !

Merci beaucoup. Tout était exceptionnel! It was far better then I knew before to expect. This year my sister will go an dI wish I was one year younger so I can join with her. she has my same host family!

pubblicato 3 anni fa

EFL Ireland


studiato Generale Inglese


El colegio es súper diferente al de españa, al principio es normal que estéis un poco aburridos, pero disfrutar desde el primer momento porque se pasa súper rápido!! Y te lo pasas súper! Los profesores son muy majos contigo y están ahí para ayudarte a que entiendas. Y las actividades que hacemos son súper guays y interesantes :))

pubblicato 5 anni fa

EFL Ireland


studiato Generale Inglese

I was very pleased with everything that was organised.

I found Martin, the head of EFL Ireland to be particularly helpful and professional. My student who attended the course had such a good time that she didn't want to come home!

pubblicato 6 anni fa



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