(Toronto | Canada )
ACCESS International English Language Centre
Informazioni ACCESS International English Language Centre
Access is an award-winning “boutique” language school delivering a range of courses that carry consistently excellent student feedback. Every student is ‘special’ and the school is sure to put this very clear ethos into practice. It is just steps away from the Yonge/Bloor subway station.
Servizi aggiuntivi
- Trasferimento aeroporto / stazione
- Alloggio in famiglia ospitante senza studenti della stessa lingua madre
- Appartamento
- In hotel / pensione
Generale Inglese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Principanti, Intermedio
Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana
In our Full-Time English Program you will learn all the skills necessary to effectively communicate in English. Your general ESL classes will concentrate on the following language areas: speaking, listening, reading, grammar, writing, vocabulary building, idioms, and slang. All classes place a special focus on speaking & listening.
Inglese Preparazione esami
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio
Ore settimanali: Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana
The TOEFL is an internationally recognized test of English language proficiency. For non-native English speakers it is required for entrance to most North American universities and colleges. This program covers all four parts of the test: structure, listening, reading and writing. You will also learn strategies for speed and tips on how to find the correct answers. Designed with the CBT testing format in mind, your course will include regular use of the computer for homework assignments and practice tests.
Affari Inglese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio
Suitable for both students and business executives, this program will help you develop the skills necessary to communicate in the international world of business. Topics include participating in business meetings, presentations, interviews, telephone calls, and writing business letters. Real-world business case studies and role-playing activities are a central component. Practical work experience can be gained by participating in our Work Internship program.
Professionale Inglese
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio
Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale