(Vancouver | Canada )

Canadian College & Canadian College of English Language

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#450-1050 Alberni Street , Vancouver (view map)

Informazioni Canadian College & Canadian College of English Language

Since 1991, the Canadian College and Canadian College of English Language provides short term and long term paid and non-paid internship program affiliate with both language training and hospitality and business management diploma programs in Vancouver, Canada. Our Work and Study program aims to meet the highest standards of professionalism and provide the highest quality of educational and internship experience available. Students are placed in a field based on their interests, educational background, past work experience and their English abilities. Placements are arranged to ensure a positive experience for the student and the company alike. We also provide various accommodation options included student residence, student apartment, and homestay. 3 years ago we opened an academic school in Vancouver Canadian College which offers 2 year professional development diplomas www.canadiancollege.com We offer diplomas in Project Management from PMI, International Trade Training from FITT, Hospitality Training from AH&LA


Generale Inglese

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti



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