(Cambridge | England )

Cambridge Academy of English

Segnalibro scuola
65 High Street, Girton , Cambridge (view map)

Informazioni Cambridge Academy of English

Cambridge Academy of English is a member of: IALC, Quality English, The English Network (TEN), English UK and Business English UK. GENERAL ENGLISH AT CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY: Adult (17 yrs +) year round + Summer (max. 12 per class) / Cambridge exams + IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC*, ILEC* and BULATS (* Cambridge Academy is an official test centre for both TOEIC and ILEC) / University preparation / English for Business Students YOUNG LEARNERS AT CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY: Teenage Summer family stay (14-16 years) and Winter family stay (13-16 years) / Teenage Summer Residential (14-16 years) / Teenage Summer Residential (12-15 years) / Children's Summer residential (9-13 years) / ALL young learners courses maximum 12 per class / NO large groups from one country PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH AT CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY (separate centre): small group / small group and one-to-one combination ENGLISH FOR LAW AT CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY: English for Lawyers / small group, one-to-one / English for Law Students / Cambridge ILEC preparation (Cambridge Academy is an official ILEC test centre) NEW FOR 2012/13!! Custom built closed-group centre, ideal for mid-semester study weeks, government courses and specialist group training.


Generale Inglese

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti

Affari Inglese

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Città

- Activate and make more fluent the English you already have
- Develop communication skills, oral and written
- Expand your knowledge of English both for business and general purposes
- Learn about business practice in the UK
- Learn how to keep up your English when you return home

...above all, gain confidence in your use of English

Inglese Corsi estivi

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70



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