(Bogotá | Colombia )

Spanish World Institute

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Carrera 4 A No 56 – 56 , Bogota (view map)
74% (8 reviews)

Sobre Spanish World Institute

Otros servicios

  • Ayuda para la tramitación de visado
  • Orientación al estudiante
  • Traslado y recogida en el aeropuerto o estación ferroviaria


  • Visitas a lugares históricos
  • Actividades culturales locales (festivales, etc.)
  • Turismo cultural (teatros, museos, etc.)


  • Apartamento compartido
  • Alojamiento en familias de acogida


Cursos de Español general

74% 8 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)

Horas semanales: General (15-25 horas semanales)

Tipo de ubicación: Costa, Ciudad mediana/grande

Cursos de Español con fines académicos

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)

Tipo de ubicación: Costa, Ciudad mediana/grande

Niveles: Intermedio, Avanzado

Tamaño del grupo: Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)

Cursos de Español para los negocios

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Tipo de ubicación: Ciudad mediana/grande, Costa

Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)

Niveles: Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)

Cursos de Español en línea

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Horas semanales: Relajado (10-15 horas semanales)

Tipo de ubicación: Costa, Ciudad mediana/grande

Niveles: Básico, Intermedio, Avanzado



8 Opiniones

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Spanish World Institute

Estados Unidos   

estudiado Cursos de Español general

Wonderful Spanish class and experience

My only regret is that I did not start a week earlier for two weeks of class. However in just one week my Spanish improved greatly. If, like me, you are coming to Bogotá to learn Spanish, this is the place. They even tried getting me to completely avoid English. That is possibly one of the best parts, as was seeing some of the local sites, like Simon Bolivar's home and the Botanical Gardens of Bogota.

publicado 12 meses atrás

Spanish World Institute

Estados Unidos   

estudiado Cursos de Español general

Two very different weeks

I signed up for two weeks and quit after four days. The first week was brutal: traditional classroom training focused heavily on grammar, and not in an environment conducive to learning as anything spoken or asked was met with ridicule or excessive correction to the point that you couldn’t speak. I actually stopped asking questions because they weren’t heard and were constantly interrupted. Note that I’m pretty good at Spanish already. This situation was due to Maria, the director, running the class instead of having a trained teacher run it. My problem was more with her than anything else, and we argued too much and disliked each other too much for it to be worth returning.

However, I will give credit where it is due. After informing Maria that I was quitting and asking (unsuccessfully) for a refund, she transferred me to online private classes with Eduardo for the following week, for half the time. And wow, what a difference! Eduardo was a great teacher, covering all the grammar remaining for me yet to learn, teaching logically and in a way that trained me to quickly apply it. He gave me the tools needed to take my Spanish from good to great.

All said, I would proceed with caution here. I was extremely disappointed one week and then quite pleased the next. The school really just needs to be staffed properly and managed with customer service in mind (we are adult customers not children in a mandatory school). It has potential but needs some serious issues to be addressed before I could comfortably recommend it to someone.

publicado 1 un año atrás

Spanish World Institute

Estados Unidos   

estudiado Cursos de Español general

Best School in Bogota!!

I attended the 4 week semi-intensive course and I made more progress than I could have ever imagined! Maria and Eduardo are kind and gracious hostess, not to mention phenomenal instructors. I highly recommend anyone interested in improving their Spanish to take this course. It’s definitely worthwhile!!

publicado 3 años atrás

Spanish World Institute

Estados Unidos   

estudiado Cursos de Español general

Improving my Spanish thanks to Spanish World Institute in Bogota

A friend of mine who works in Bogota recommended the Spanish World Institute to me, as a means of practicing the language for a few weeks while I stayed in Bogota. I spent six weeks in the city and at the institute, taking three hours of Spanish classes every weekday. I teach Spanish I in my home country, so the opportunity to exercise my skills with native speakers was not to be missed.

Four of these six weeks were spent in private lessons, and the remaining two were spent studying alongside two other students. We were able to practice all four key components of the language: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Two of the teachers were especially effective in delivering their lesson plans due to their experience, and I will remain in contact with them in the future.

The activities we engaged in on Wednesday and Friday afternoons were also a fun way in which we were able to explore the city of Bogota in more depth. We went to such places as the Finca Bolivar, the National Museum, Parque 93 and the Usaquen market. I highly recommend the institute to anyone who wishes to improve their understanding of the Spanish language while also immersing themselves in local Bogota and Colombian culture.

publicado 5 años atrás

Spanish World Institute


estudiado Cursos de Español general

Worst nightmare ever!

Maria is the head of the school.
Fortunately I first had classes for 8 days with an employee who was patient but had no clue about grammar. But it was bearable. Then he disappeared and Maria took over. She did not correct me but yelled at me for not knowing the what was explained in the book.
No way of discussing with her.
An absolute nightmare!
Within one week Out of three students I was the second to leave for the same reason!
Do not go there!

publicado 1 un año atrás

Spanish World Institute


estudiado Cursos de Español general

Spnischkurs / Bildungsurlaub in Bogota

Ich kann das spanish world institute sehr empfehlen.
Habe hier zwei Wochen Bildungsurlaub genossen.
Ganz herzlichen Dank an meine Lehrer! Die Mischung aus Konversation, Grammatik und Kultur ist perfekt. Gelernt wird in entspannter Atmosphaere mit viel Humor und gutem Kaffe :-)
Ich habe schon vorher Spanisch gelernt, in verschiedenen Schulen, aber hier zum ersten Mal den Subjuntivo verstanden !Muchas gracias a Maria, Lorena, Juan y Jefferson.

publicado 5 años atrás

Spanish World Institute


estudiado Cursos de Español general

Terrible experience

Maria Rozo is (the owner) is a horrible person, she treats her teachers and every person in general as slaves, yell at them allá the time, she is really insane, there are better schools in Bogota, don't waste your money there.

publicado 5 años atrás

Spanish World Institute


estudiado Cursos de Español general


I only spent a week at The Spanish World Institute in CARTAGENA and it was fantastic!
I was the only student and had two wonderful teachers, Victoria and Tania. They helped me a lot and now I feel much more comfortable speaking in Spanish (even though it's still very basic). I could ask them anything and they know a lot about their language. I also loved the fruit stand near the school, where you could get fruit salads during recess :-)
Sometimes we had activities in the afternoon, like a bike-tour or a juice-afternoon in the old town.
Cartagena is very charming and there's lots to see and do.

publicado 8 años atrás



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