
LSI Brighton (Brighton / England / England)

four elegant Victorian interconnecting townhouses. The new facilities include 18 classrooms, a large

Parents&Child are the new courses we are introducing: the first offering an intensive and cultural

INTO Manchester (Manchester / England / England)

INTO is a rapidly growing network of university-based study centres, offering new and higher

InTuition Languages / International House (Londra / England / England)

in a city like London, Edinburgh, Dublin or New York, or in the beautiful English countryside. It is

academic year 2005/2006 at a new location, ul. Grodzka 64, at the foot of the Wawel Hill, which for

Centro Linguistico e Culturale Galatea (Catania / Sicilia / Italia)

experiencing new cultures, thirst for gaining new knowledge and passion for teaching of three exceptional

new training centre - the "POLE DE FORMATION CCI". Just 9 minutes by tram from the city centre, the

Amalelingue (Genova / Liguria / Italia)

conceived as the pleasure of viewing new horizons. A stylish school in stylish premises, Amalelingue is

American English College (Monterey Park / California / Stati Uniti)

For 30 years, we've helped people learn a language, discover a new city, and achieve their personal

Milner International College of English (Perth / Western Australia / Australia)

biggest school for Cambridge exam preparation in Australia and have a high pass rate. Milner now offers