
Angle Education (Londra / England / England)

experience discovering a truly unique city that has something for everyone: great theatres, museums

Stamford Academy (Stamford / England / England)

senior management positions in long-established UK language schools, international examination boards and

universities in the UK for the number of professors, which means that our students are taught by the most

Chaucer College (Canterbury / England / England)

teaching English as a foreign language at our study centre in Canterbury, Kent – ‘The Garden of England

Cotswold International Language School (Cirencester / England / England)

Cotswold International is a small, professional language school based in the historic English town of Cirencester. Established in 2002, the school provides high quality study programmes in English...

Concord College (Shrewsbury / England / England)

Concord College è una scuola internazionale indipendente altamente accademica in Inghilterra per studenti diurni e convitti. Diamo il benvenuto a studenti provenienti da tutto il mondo e dall'area...

Kings Summer Camps (Hove / England / England)

colleges in the UK and USA. We have been running successful summer vacation courses for younger students

Bath Academy (Bath / England / England)

fact is the only World Heritage City in England. It is a wonderful place to study, and is an exciting

Regent Brighton (Brighton / England / England)

sunshine days than other cities in the UK. The school occupies an elegant building in a residential area

Zoni Language Centers London (Londra / England / England)

Zoni Language Centers is one of the best-equipped English schools in North America, operating five centers in the New York area, one in Miami Beach, Florida and our newest center in Vancouver,...