
LSI Zurich (Zurigo / Zurigo / Svizzera)

The Location Zurich is ideally situated at the heart of Europe. The city’s picturesque historic centre is situated on the banks of the river Limmat. Over 500 bars and nightclubs as well as outdoor...

Schiller Language School (Bonn / North Rhine-Westphalia / Germania)

Schiller Language School offers German language courses for university preparationcombined with

Goethe-Institut Berlin (Berlino / Berlino / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Berlin you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or

Goethe-Institut Bonn (Bonn / North Rhine-Westphalia / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Bonn you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or everyday

Goethe-Institut Bremen (Bremen / Brema / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Bremen you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or

Goethe-Institut Dresden (Dresda / Saxony / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Dresden you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or

Goethe-Institut Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf / North Rhine-Westphalia / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Düsseldorf you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or

Goethe-Institut Frankfurt/Main (Francoforte sul Meno / Hessen / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Frankfurt you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or

Goethe-Institut Freiburg (Friburgo in Brisgovia / Baden Wurttemberg / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Freiburg you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or

Goethe-Institut Göttingen (Gottinga / Nienhagen (Bassa Sassonia) / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Göttingen you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or