
Sprachinstitut Treffpunkt (Bamberga / Bavaria / Germania)

If you 're looking to learn German intensively and in a manner tailored to your individual needs

Die 12 Sterne (Berlino / Berlino / Germania)

language school offering courses in a variety of languages, including German, with each one tailored to the

did deutsch-institut Hamburg (Amburgo / Amburgo / Germania)

did deutsch-institut is one of the largest organisations for German as a Foreign Language. Every

did deutsch-institut München (Monaco di Baviera / Bavaria / Germania)

did deutsch-institut is one of the largest organisations for German as a Foreign Language. Every

did deutsch-institut Berlin (Berlino / Berlino / Germania)

did deutsch-institut is one of the largest organisations for German as a Foreign Language. Every

Alpadia Montreux (Montreux / Vaud / Svizzera)

The Pearl of the Vaudois Riviera enjoys a privileged location on the banks of Lake Léman. Its proximity to cities such as Geneva, Milan, Munich and Paris makes it culturally receptive and an ideal...

Humboldt-Institut (Argenbühl / Baden Wurttemberg / Germania)

The Humboldt-Institut is a non-profit organization for teaching German as a foreign language

IBZ Interkulturelles Bildungszentrum e.V. Essen (Essen / Nienhagen (Bassa Sassonia) / Germania)

auch seit 2005 das größte deutsch-türkische Literaturfestival Deutsch-Türkische Buchmesse RUHR, mit dem

Inlingua - Dresden (Dresda / Saxony / Germania)

Your goals - You want to efficiently learn a foreign language! - You want to speak as much as possible! - You want a competent partner! - You want to make progress systematically! - You want a...

Carl Duisberg Training Center München/Munich (Monaco di Baviera / Bavaria / Germania)

third largest German city is an architectural work of art: the spectrum reaches from the gothic Peters