
Carl Duisberg Training Center Berlin (Berlino / Berlino / Germania)

our language course participants. Berlin reflects in an impressive way how Europe is changing and

Carl Duisberg Training Center Köln/Cologne (Colonia / North Rhine-Westphalia / Germania)

transport, with subway and tram stations within walking distance. Our language school in Cologne has 16

Cervantes College (Murcia / Murcia / Spagna)

Cervantes College is a Spanish Language School that aims to provide its students quality learning

Zoni Language Centers Manhattan, New York (New York / New York / Stati Uniti)

Zoni Language Centers is one of the best-equipped English schools in North America, operating five

CLIC International House Sevilla (Siviglia / Andalusia / Spagna)

CLIC International House is one of Spain’s most popular Spanish Language Schools. The school dates

university towns of Yale, Cambridge or St. Andrews. To guarantee a high quality learning experience, one can

Mosaico Spanish Courses (Sevilla) (Siviglia / Andalusia / Spagna)

Learning Spanish in Spain, and especially in Andalusia (Sevilla), will be a unique experience

Alliance Française - Lyon (Lione / Rhône-Alpes / Francia)

every year 1 multicultural team of 40 people 2,500 M² of modern premises dedicated to language learning

school that offers short-term study abroad courses, learning the Japanese language and culture in a

Language Campus School (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / Canary Islands / Spagna)

Language Campus offers Spanish courses for foreigners that enable students to advance through the