
A-Z Sprachkurse Kramer (Friburgo in Brisgovia / Baden Wurttemberg / Germania)
arCanum Akademie (Monaco di Baviera / Bavaria / Germania)
Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau (Lindau / Bavaria / Germania)

Dialoge offers all levels of German including all the official exams all year round, summer and winter courses for juniors, the summer camp Bodensee for juniors and tailor made language stays for...

Goethe-Institut Berlin (Berlino / Berlino / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Berlin you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or everyday life. Our team will be happy to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Our committed...

Goethe-Institut Bonn (Bonn / North Rhine-Westphalia / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Bonn you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or everyday life. Our team will be happy to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Our committed...

Goethe-Institut Bremen (Bremen / Brema / Germania)

At the Goethe-Institut Bremen you can successfully learn German for your career, studies or everyday life. Our team will be happy to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Our committed...