(Vancouver | Canada )

Tamwood Language Centres - Vancouver

Segnalibro scuola
889 West Pender Street , Vancouver (view map)
90% (41 reviews)

Informazioni Tamwood Language Centres - Vancouver

English expands your world! Wherever life's journey takes you, English abilities make it better. Tamwood offers a wide range of programs which you can choose from for your study period (weeks or months), depending on your English level and goals.

The Tamwood Campus is located in the heart of downtown, Vancouver, which is consistently recognized as one of the world's most livable cities leading in the areas of sustainability, accessibility and social inclusivity. Vancouver is a mix of different ethnicities, religions and cultural groups from all over the world.

Tamwood also offers homestay programs and arranges for an array of activities to assist you with settling in Vancouver!


  • Calcio
  • Hockey
  • Equitazione
  • Tennis
  • Alpinismo
  • Squash
  • Sci
  • Scialpinismo
  • Snowboard
  • Pallavolo
  • Atletica leggera
  • Nuoto
  • Golf
  • Arrampicata
  • Basket
  • Baseball
  • Badminton

Servizi aggiuntivi

  • Sport acquatici
  • Trasferimento aeroporto / stazione
  • Strutture per studenti disabili
  • Consulenza agli studenti
  • Assistenza per visti


  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante
  • Appartamento
  • In hotel / pensione
  • Appartamento condiviso

Lavoro e ulteriori studi

  • Studente legalmente autorizzati a lavorare / guadagnare soldi durante corso
  • Esperienza di lavoro / stage presso aziende locali


  • Ballo
  • Film
  • Musica
  • Teatro
  • Apparecchi di cottura
  • Turismo culturale (teatro, museo, etc.)
  • Moda
  • Escursioni
  • Eventi sul campus
  • Volontariato
  • Roccia
  • Sport professionistico
  • Eventi locali culturali (festival, ecc)


Generale Inglese

87% 13 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana, Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

learn all the skills you need to be fluent and skilled in English.<div><br /></div><div>You will be put into a small class with international students. You can add electives in the afternoons. You will get lots of attention and coaching to ensure that you reach your language learning goals.</div>

Inglese Preparazione esami

88% 5 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti

Ore settimanali: Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

IELTS<br />Cambridge FCE<div>Cambridge CAE<br /><div><br /></div></div>

Inglese Preparazione accademica

100% 3 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana

Affari Inglese

96% 3 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti

Ore settimanali: Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

Are you working in a business career?  Do you need to have better written English for work?  Do you need to know specific vocabulary related to your business career?  Do you go to meetings in English, write letters in English, attend business seminars in English and / or make presentations in English?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will find this course very helpful.  We teach English for international business use and cover all skills through case studies, guest speakers, group work...



41 Recensioni

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Tamwood Language Centres - Vancouver


studiato Generale Inglese

Good Times

Good location in Vancouver downtown,Good docents,amazing activities.And the most important in six months that I was there my english improved a lot. Thanks for everything.

pubblicato 11 anni fa

Tamwood Language Centres - Vancouver


Hi Fabiano

It's been years since you first came to Tamwood! We hope that your time with us has been fruitful and that you are continuing to practice the English communication skills that you've learned. We wish you the best in your personal and professional endeavors wherever you are in this world!

Kind regards,
Tamwood Language Centres

pubblicato 7 anni fa



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