(Rome | Italy )
Studioitalia - Lingua e Cultura Italiana

Informazioni Studioitalia - Lingua e Cultura Italiana
Founded in 1985, the Italian language school for foreigners, STUDIOITALIA, has been one of the most important Italian language teaching centers in Rome for the past 30 years. It is situated in the heart of Rome, merely 5 minutes from St. Peter's Church and just off Via Cola di Rienzo, one of the cardinal commercial streets of the city, right behind Piazza del Popolo.
Around the school there are restaurants, cinemas and a wide variety of shops. The whole area is also very well connected to public transport, and there are two metro stops, OTTAVIANO and LEPANTO, very near to the school. In order to ensure the highest level of quality of the course as well as the relationship between students and teachers, the school accepts a maximum of 10 students per class. This type of small classes guarantee that every student has a chance to practice their language skills and to participate actively in each lesson.
- Calcio
- Nuoto
- Tennis
Servizi aggiuntivi
- Trasferimento aeroporto / stazione
- Consulenza agli studenti
- Assistenza per visti
- Alloggio in famiglia ospitante
- Appartamento
- In hotel / pensione
Lavoro e ulteriori studi
- Esperienza di lavoro / stage presso aziende locali
- Film
- Letteratura
- Musica
- Storia
Generale Italiano
96% 21 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio
Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti
Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana, Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana
Studioitalia offers Intensive Standard and Intensive
Plus courses. Within the Intensive
Standard course there are 4 hours of
lessons every day. That ensures students a constant and lasting contact with the
language and develops a perfect harmony between a teacher and students. The
teaching method is based on the Communicative Approach and focuses on
developing the communication skills of the students. The study of grammar is
always conceived as complementary. The Intensive
Plus course takes 6 hours of lessons a day for a full immersion in the Italian
language. It quickens the student's ability to understand the language and speak
easily in a few weeks. The didactic activities require a significant commitment
and are conceived to reach the highest standard in the least amount of time.
Italiano Preparazione esami
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti
Ore settimanali: Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana
Studioitalia offers among other preparation course for the
CILS exam that can last from 1 week to 6 months. It depends on students’ needs.
Italiano Preparazione accademica
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio
Ore settimanali: Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana, Generale 15-25 ore / settimana
Studioitalia seeks to meet students' needs, therefore, we are able to organise courses for different purposes.
Affari Italiano
0% 0 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio
Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti
Ore settimanali: Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana, Generale 15-25 ore / settimana
The Business Italian course is perfect for
those students who want to become familiar with computers, office machines and
virtual instruments of the business world and work in the ambience in order to
develop and advance their capacities and knowledge of business in the terms of
small companies as well as multinational corporations and global economy. The
course takes 4 hours a day and lasts from 1 week to 6 months depending on
student’s needs.
Corsi di Italiano su misura
56% 1 Recensione
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Città
Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio
Dimensione delle classi: Individuale
Ore settimanali: Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana
Studioitalia offers the Extensive Course that can suit everybody's needs. This is a perfect
solution for those students of the Italian language school living in Rome and
for professional reasons can come to the school only in the evening. The course
is also recommended to students who have a good knowledge of the Italian
language and want to refresh it with a couple of lessons every week, using the
rest of the day to visit Rome and to
enjoy the holidays.
We offer also Individual Courses that are ideal for those students
of the school who want to learn Italian in a completely relaxed and harmonious
atmosphere. It's even possible to have a lesson out of the class, enjoying the great
position of the school.
Italiano Corsi estivi
93% 6 Recensioni
Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70
Tipo di località: Campagna, Mare, Città
Livelli: Principanti, Intermedio
Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti
Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana
Junior Program:
One of the teachers, acting as a group leader, will take care only of a specifinc group of students during their entire stay and activities. Our Junior Programme includes:
1 full day, 6 half day and 2 evening excursions for students per week.
Sample week:
(it might vary depending on circumstances and destination)
Monday: Orientation Tour
Tuesday: Castel Sant'Angelo (morning) - Trastevere (evening)
Wednesday: Campo de Fiori, Piazza Navona, Pantheon
Thursday: Colosseo
Friday: Fori Imperiali (morning) - Isola Tiberina (evening)
Saturday: Villa Borghese
Cosa stanno dicendo gli studenti
Ordina per:
Nadia Petrovec
studiato Generale ItalianoBravi Bravi Bravi!
Vi ingrazio tanto e vi voglio tanto bene! Mi avete preparato per passare l'esame ingresso a università la sapienza.. E puoi è stato molto divertente, amichevole e professionale!
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Sandra Noia Mina
studiato Generale ItalianoNice place
Studiato in Studioitalia per 2 settimane. Giorni erano incredibili, oltre ad aver fatto amicizie indimenticabili, ho potuto contare sul sostegno della mia famiglia ospitante in pieno. La segreteria Marta era una delle persone che mi hanno aiutato, e gli insegnanti che hanno contribuito con il suo strano modo noi brasiliani. Spero di tornare presto.
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Anna Tsyba
studiato Generale ItalianoEffective and amusing
In my opinion the school represents the perfect combination of a high level of education and a quite modest price. I really enjoyed the intensity and fun of studying italian and a high professionality and attention of the teachers. All the school staff is very friendly and helpful and I would definitely recommend the school both for those who are the first time in Rome and for the students who want to know the language, the city and the culture better. I've studied in the school twice, in summer and in winter, and if I had to choose again which courses to attend I would undoubtedly return to Studioitalia.
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Jovana Brankovic
studiato Italiano Corsi estiviGood
The course was interesting.Teachers were nice and friendly especially Marco who used body language which turned out as great technique to improve our skills. However, I spent great time in Rome. The only problem was that school does not have air conditioner and summer in Rome is hot, so I think that school needs some electric fans or air conditioners. In my opinion program could be better if teachers test student's knowledge first and then put them in groups.
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Ciao Jovana! We're glad that you enjoyed our course! Thank you for your remarks, we'll work on that.
In fact, we do verify our students' skills during oral tests in order to put them in appropriate groups that correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Refence for Languages.
All the best from Rome!
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Maciej Grajek
studiato Italiano Corsi estiviSTUDIOITALIA
I highly recommend this school for everybody who wants to learn italian and to have lots of fun. Every single person working there is fantastic! All you need to do is to go there and see it on your own eyes!
pubblicato 11 anni fa
aslin tunc
studiato Generale ItalianoBest Italian Course
I can now speak fluently Italian. The course was really helpfull for all of us. Ringrazio molto a Claudia, Nadia e Marco. Saluti a tutti. Vi voglio bene. xoxox
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Natalya Suslova
studiato Generale ItalianoSuper school!!
Ho fatto 2 mesi del corso e mi e' piaciuto moltissimo. La scuola si trova vicino al Vaticano. Gli insegnanti sono molto bravi e le lezioni erano molto interessanti. Ho fatto bene che avevo scelto questa scuola. Ve la consiglio!
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Marta Pastuszka
studiato Generale ItalianoStudioitalia rocks! ;)
I wholeheartedly recommend the school to those of you who want to study Italian in Rome. Thanks to a very nice atmosphere and friendly teachers who are also very helpful my Italian is improving every day. I'm grateful to all the staff for making me more italian! ;)
pubblicato 11 anni fa
Giulia Proskuryakova
studiato Generale ItalianoMega Scuola
I studied here 3 months and I found this school absolutely helpful for me. Situated very close to Vatican City. It's not so big, but it's an advantage because everybody knows you, you're very welcome all the time, I had a feeling of a big friendly family. The teachers are fantastic, full of humor and energy. I'm really grateful to them. In this time I've improved Italian language immensely.
Ciao a tutti, questa scuola vela consiglierei!
pubblicato 11 anni fa