(Kilkenny | Ireland )

mackdonald language academy

Segnalibro scuola
mackdonald , Kilkenny (view map)
88% (24 reviews)

Informazioni mackdonald language academy

mackdonald language academy is an ACELS/QQI and MEI accredited and independent English language school in Kilkenny. The school is specialised in offering 'all inclusive' holiday courses for kids and teenagers from all over the world.

Students do not only improve their English, they also get a very good impression of the cultural and natural beauty of Ireland.

All Junior courses are 'all inclusive': English lessons in small classes (15 hrs/week), full board accommodation with a nice and welcoming host family (single room), transfers to/from school every day, airport transfers (Dublin DUB) and assisted check-in upon departure, varied afternoon programme with many cultural, social and sportive activities, weekly full-day excursions to interesting places across Ireland.

With mackdonald language academy, a successful and a great time in Ireland is guaranteed.


  • Hockey
  • Golf
  • Calcio
  • Basket
  • Pallavolo
  • Tennis
  • Tennis da tavolo
  • Equitazione
  • Badminton


  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante
  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante senza studenti della stessa lingua madre
  • In hotel / pensione
  • Casa dello studente


  • Apparecchi di cottura
  • Eventi locali culturali (festival, ecc)
  • Eventi sul campus
  • Visite della città storica
  • Turismo culturale (teatro, museo, etc.)

Servizi aggiuntivi

  • Assistenza per visti
  • Consulenza agli studenti
  • Trasferimento aeroporto / stazione

Lavoro e ulteriori studi

  • Esperienza di lavoro / stage presso aziende locali


Generale Inglese

66% 3 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 18-70

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana, Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana

Tipo di località: Campagna, Città

Esami e preparazione offerti: IELTS, TOEFL

Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio, Principanti

Dimensione delle classi: Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti

Inglese Corsi estivi

90% 21 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 12-17

Livelli: Avanzato, Intermedio, Principanti

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana, Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti

Esami e preparazione offerti: IELTS, TOEFL

Tipo di località: Campagna, Città

Programmi Inglese Junior

0% 0 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 12-17

Tipo di località: Campagna, Città, Campus universitario

Livelli: Principanti, Avanzato, Intermedio, Intermedio superiore

Esami e preparazione offerti: IELTS, TOEFL

Dimensione delle classi: Grande, 11-20 studenti, Medio, 6-10 studenti, Piccolo, 2-5 studenti, Individuale

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana, Rilassato 10-15 ore / settimana


  • English Summer Camps in Kilkenny, Ireland - Junior Courses
    PDF | 2MB aggiunto 09.28.2017 Scarica
  • mackdonald.academic.pdf
    PDF | 4MB aggiunto 09.29.2017 Scarica


24 Recensioni

Cosa stanno dicendo gli studenti

Ordina per:

Risultati della ricerca: 10 della 41 totale risultati
mackdonald language academy


studiato Generale Inglese

Padre defraudado

Para estar en un aula solos 20 alumnos españoles no es necesario ir a Irlanda.
No sé qué entienden por inmersión lingüística.
Es una estafa total. Y yo pensaba llevar luego a las hermanas.... ja

pubblicato 2 anni fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry that your daughter was not satisfied with her Irish high school. We take all feedback seriously and will communicate these issues with the high school your daughter attended. If you would like to discuss her experiences further, please email us at [email protected].

pubblicato 12 mesi fa

mackdonald language academy


studiato Generale Inglese

Mackdonald language accademy

It was cool and funny. They Wurst thing it was the weather

pubblicato 7 anni fa

mackdonald language academy


studiato Generale Inglese

The treasury of experience and knowledge

I've stayed in Kilkenny for 3 weeks and the only thing I regret about is that my journey was so short! In the Mackdonald academy everyone can find a comrade, because there are children of all age groups. I'm 18 and I did not have any hope to meet someone to spend time with. But I was surprised to make a few really good friends there! The same I can say about yonger boys and girls : after 3 lessons and lunch they already spoke and loughed like they were old friends! The athmosphere was very kind and cosy, no one staied alone. Elder students were very attentive to their little colleagues, children played valleyball, football and hurling all together! What about activities, they were very exciting and so different! We visited beautiful places, dark caves, a forest with deers, ancient univercity and strongholds! All guides had legible perfect speech. In my host family I never felt any discomfort, I found common languege at once! And I really miss them, they filled my journey with warmth and care. As a conclusion, I'd like to say it is not only english skills I got there, also I saw the country, made good friends and got a few lessons of life.

pubblicato 10 anni fa



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