(Montpellier | France )

Accent Français

Segnalibro scuola
2 rue de Verdun , Montpellier (view map)
88% (74 reviews)

Informazioni Accent Français

Trust the #1 Language school in France!
We are very proud that Accent Français has been voted "Best French Language School" since 2012.
We are accredited the French Quality Label of the Ministry for our services and courses:
• General French courses,
• University and exams preparation courses,
• Discovery and culture programs,
• French for Teachers of French
• Speciality courses for professionals
• Activities and excursions

We welcome students from over 70 that want to study for one week or much longer stays, that are 16 years old and older, with no language requirements, all year long.

The school is located on the famous Place de la Comédie in the heart of Montpellier and we offer individualized follow ups before and during your stay.


  • Ballo
  • Equitazione

Servizi aggiuntivi

  • Trasferimento aeroporto / stazione
  • Consulenza agli studenti
  • Assistenza per visti


  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante
  • Alloggio in famiglia ospitante senza studenti della stessa lingua madre
  • Appartamento
  • In hotel / pensione
  • Sul campus universitario
  • Appartamento condiviso
  • Casa dello studente

Lavoro e ulteriori studi

  • Esperienza di lavoro / stage presso aziende locali


  • Ballo
  • Film
  • Teatro
  • Storia dell'arte
  • Apparecchi di cottura
  • Turismo culturale (teatro, museo, etc.)
  • Escursioni
  • Visite della città storica
  • Eventi sociali studenti universitari
  • Eventi locali culturali (festival, ecc)


Generale Francese

88% 20 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana

Standard French Course

20 French lessons per week with an emphasis on understanding, comprehension, and oral expression.

Age requirement: 16+
Available to all levels
Duration: Available all year

For more information on our courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses

Francese Preparazione esami

72% 3 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Accent Français offers a rigorous programme for students preparing for official examinations, such as the DELF, DALF, TCF, A-level, Irish Leaving Certificate, Chamber of Commerce tests, etc..

You will join a group of three at the most, three times a week, in order to prepare for the test you wish to take. The other students will have the same level as you and will be preparing for the same test.

Our French & Exam Preparation Course includes 26 lessons of French per week:

- Our Standard course (20 lessons)
- 6 lessons of exam preparation (3 session of 1,5 hours)

For these lessons, you will join a small group of students preparing for the same exam (three students maximum).

Age requirement: 16+
Available to all levels
Duration: 4 weeks

For more information on our courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses

Francese Preparazione accademica

100% 1 Recensione

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Ore settimanali: Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

Our French + University Preparation Course offers 26 hours of instruction per week:
Standard French - 20 lessons, 10 students maximum
University Preparation - 6 lessons, 2 students maximum

Age requirement: 16+
Level B1 minimum required
Duration: 4 week maximum

For more information on our courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses

Professionale Francese

96% 1 Recensione

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Ore settimanali: Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

French + Modules
This course offers 26 hours of instruction per week:

Standard French - 20 lessons, 10 students maximum
Modules - 6 lessons, 2 students maximum

The Modules course will focus on a subject of your choice:
- Business
- Medical
- Tourism
- Legal, ...

Age requirement: 16+
Available to all levels
Duration: 4 week maximum

For more information on our courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses

Corsi di Francese su misura

89% 4 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Dimensione delle classi: Medio, 6-10 studenti, Individuale

Ore settimanali: Intensivo 25+ ore / settimana

Combined and Private French Courses

Accent Français offers tailor made, private courses in order to meet your individual needs. Students may choose from three Combined Courses and from two Private Courses, listed below:

Combined Courses (per week):

Combined French 1
- Standard French - 20 lessons, 10 students maximum
- 4 Private lessons

Combined French 2
- Standard French - 20 lessons, 10 students maximum
- 10 Private lessons

Combined French 3
- Standard French - 20 lessons, 10 students maximum
- 20 Private lessons

Private Course options:
- Private Courses 20 - This course offers 20 one-on-one lessons with your teacher per week.
- Private Courses 30 - This course offers 30 one-on-one lessons with your teacher per week.

Age requirement: 16+
Available to all levels

For more information on each of these courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses

Francese Corsi estivi

100% 1 Recensione

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 16-70

Tipo di località: Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana

French + Cultural Program
This exciting summer course offers 20 hours of instruction per week, in addition to fun activities Montpellier and excursions in the region of Languedoc-Rousillon.

Standard French - 20 lessons,10 students maximum
Activities and Excursions

Age requirement: 16+
Available to all levels
Course availability: June to September
Duration: 2 to 4 weeks

For more information on our courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses

Programmi Francese Junior

100% 3 Recensioni

Questo corso è riservato agli studenti di età compresa: 13-70

Tipo di località: Città

Livelli: Avanzato, Principanti, Intermedio

Ore settimanali: Generale 15-25 ore / settimana

Accent Français offers two Junior French Programs for students who want to learn about the French language and culture.

French + Cooking (28 lessons per week)
- Standard French - 20 lessons, 10 students maximum
- Cooking with Chef Armand - 8 lessons

Bonjour la France is a 4 week program that allow students to study and experience the French culture in two different language schools in France:
- Standard French - 20 lessons per week, 10 students maximum
* Half-board room in Montpellier at Accent Français (2 weeks)
* Half-board room in Rouen at French in Normandy (2 weeks)

Age requirement: 16+
Available to all levels
Duration: 4 weeks

For more information on our courses, see our website: https://www.accentfrancais.com/french-courses



74 Recensioni

Cosa stanno dicendo gli studenti

Ordina per:

Risultati della ricerca: 10 della 74 totale risultati
Accent Français


studiato Generale Francese


Amando cada momento vívido na Accent Français. Em apenas 1 mês sinto que meu nível de francês tem melhorado consideravelmente a cada dia. Professores extremamente capacitados e funcionários sempre dispostos a ajudar!

pubblicato 5 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Generale Francese





pubblicato 6 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Corsi di Francese su misura

My experience as an intern

If you are looking for an internship in pedagogic or translating and if you have chosen to go to a language school in France, then I can only recommend you Accent Francais.
The school offers various classes for every age and a huge activity programme as well (city tours, food tasting, aperitifs and others).
I had many varied tasks: as a multilingual, I had to translate different advertising texts, price lists, descriptions.
I was also asked to help students and potential clients from my home country in case of language barrier.
For every mission I was allowed to take as many time as I needed which was amazing, I had never been in rush and could do my work properly.

pubblicato 6 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Francese Preparazione accademica

Mon stage à Accent Français

J'ai pu effectuer mon stage de fin d'année d'études à Accent Français en été 2019 et je peux dire que j'ai vécu une très belle expérience ! Un peu stressé au départ en ne connaissant personne, j'ai très vite pu faire la connaissance de tout le monde durant mes deux mois passés à Accent Français. En tant que stagiaire j'ai pu rencontrer beaucoup d'étudiants étrangers me permettant d'enrichir mon anglais à l'oral et de découvrir différentes langues. J'ai également pu rencontrer des professeurs très sympathiques qui enseignent parfaitement la langue française aux étudiants. Cette expérience m'a permis également d'enrichir mes connaissances en événementiel, marketing et communication. Je suis très content d'avoir pu faire mon stage de deux mois à Accent Français et je recommande vivement cette école aux étrangers voulant apprendre le français!

pubblicato 6 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Programmi Francese Junior

My stay at Accent Frannçais

It was great! In the beginning you still feel very strange but the school takes you up like a family member and shows everything. After a few days I noticed how my French level has risen.

pubblicato 6 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Generale Francese

Nur zu empfehlen★

Für mich ergab sich die Möglichkeit ein kaufmännisches Praktikum im Rahmen meiner Ausbildung bei Accent Français zu absolvieren und ich bin nach wie vor sehr glücklich darüber. Es waren eine der besten Erfahrungen meines Lebens und ich kann es allen nur weiterempfehlen!
Anfangs kam ich mit einem mulmigen Gefühl hierher aber dieses legte sich in nur wenigen Sekunden als mir das Team der Sprachschule vorgestellt wurde und alle super lieb zu mir waren. Dies änderte sich auch im Laufe des Praktikums nicht. Bei Fragen standen mir alle zur Seite und ich wurde in das Team vollintegriert, sodass ich gar nicht das Gefühl hatte nur Praktikantin zu sein☺ Ich kann auch sagen, dass man von Tag zu Tag mit den Aufgaben wächst und sich keine Sorgen machen muss, dass die Sprache einem zum totalen Verhängnis wird.
Für die letzte Woche wurde mir dann sogar ein Sprachkurs angeboten, den ich super fand. Vor allem die Lehrer sind super und man hat niemals das Gefühl man wird zu etwas gezwungen, im Gegenteil es herrscht eine lockere Stimmung und es wird viel gelacht ☺
Mir bleibt nichts Anderes übrig als euch unendlich dankbar für diese Zeit zu sein und ich werde euch sehr vermissen♥

pubblicato 6 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Generale Francese

Escola incrível

A Accent Français é uma escola incrível, muito bem localizada, próximo a mercados, lojas em um dos principais pontos da cidade, salas de aulas com computadores, laboratórios para tirar dúvidas com os professores. A cidade de Montpellier é o destino ideal para intercâmbio, pois tem diversas atividades de lazer dia e noite, além de ter um custo de vida muito melhor do que Paris e ficar próxima de diversos pontos turísticos da França.

pubblicato 6 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Generale Francese

Excelente nivel

Profesores altamente calificados. Diversos métodos de enseñanza, objetivos claros y definidos para cada nivel. Evaluaciones amenas.

pubblicato 8 anni fa

Accent Français


studiato Francese Preparazione esami

Unforgettable experience

I spent four weeks at Accent Français in Montpellier and attended an Intensive Course, as well as a Preperation Course ot prepare myself well for the DALF C1 exam.

Not only was it a pleasure to take lessons with the cordial teachers, but also their ability to motivate the students, to integrate many different nationalities and language levels and to create a diversified class was outstanding. What was striking as well, was the personal and dedicated advice that the teachers and the office employees gave. They really cared for me when I had problems or questions and were there for my concerns when I wished to switch from the Intensive Course to the DALF Preperation for the last two weeks.

Throughout my entire stay I enjoyed every day that I would spent at school. I could watch myself progress quickly thanks to exigent tasks that came up to my language level and that were shaped specifically to suit my needs for the DALF exam.

For people who wished to participate in activities, there was a different trip or activity organized every weekend, from which I attended the trip to Avignon with the incredible school's guide Jean-Paul, who is simply a real unicum to experience!

I think back happily to my time in Montpellier and it just all went by too fast. This is one of the places that will amaze you, time and again, with its southern flair and laid back mentality, while supplying you with all the fun and demanding french skills you need, at Accent Français!

I strongly recommend this language school if you are looking for a familiar atmosphere where you can get involved in the process and wish to attend classes with competent teachers who know what they do and are able to understand the students' needs.

Side Note: The skills learned helped me to prepare and pass the DALF exam.

Merci, Accent Français!

pubblicato 8 anni fa

Accent Français


Merci Julia, merci pour ta chaleureuse recommandation, nous sommes ravis d'avoir organisé une expérience inoubliable pour toi :-) Bisous, Stéph

pubblicato 8 anni fa



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