(Carbondale | United States )

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

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1000 Faner Dr , Carbondale (view map)

Sobre Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), chartered in 1869, is nationally and internationally recognized for its instructional, research, and service programs. SIUC offers more than 200 undergraduate degrees, majors, minors and specializations, as well as more than 60 Master's degrees, and more than 25 doctoral degrees. Each is offered through one of the eight colleges, or major academic units of the university: Agricultural Sciences, Applied Sciences and Arts, Business and Administration, Education and Human Services, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Mass Communication and Media Arts, Science, Graduate School, Library Affairs, School of Law, School of Medicine. SIUC is classified as a Carnegie Doctoral/Research Extensive university and is fully-accredited. Conditional admission is offered to undergraduate applicants. Conditional admission to the Graduate School is granted on a case-by-case basis. The Center for English as a Second Language (CESL) offers seven levels of study from beginning to graduate school preparation for students interested in improving their English language skills for academic, personal or professional needs. CESL offers quality classes delivered by well-trained, experienced faculty. CESL students have access to all university facilities, including computer labs, Morris Library and the Recreation Center. CESL offers two 8-week terms corresponding to each fall and spring semester at SIUC and two 6-week terms in the summer. CESL is accredited by CEA and holds memberships in UCIEP and AAIEP.

Otros servicios

  • Orientación al estudiante
  • Ayuda para la tramitación de visado


  • En el campus universitario


Cursos de Inglés general

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos)

Preparación para exámenes de Inglés

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos)

Cursos de Inglés con fines académicos

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos)

Cursos de Inglés con fines profesionales

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos)

Cursos de Inglés personalizados

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos)

Cursos de verano de Inglés

0% 0 Opiniones

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos)



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