(Modena | Italy )

Accademia Romanica

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Via Castel Maraldo 45 , Módena (view map)

Sobre Accademia Romanica

Romanica is a school for the study of the Italian language. It is the ideal place to begin or continue one’s study of Italian and to use the language as an entryway to an understanding of Italian culture.

Since 1998 Romanica offers courses to students of all ages and all nationalities, as well as a rich variety of activities during students’ free time.

Romanica is located in Modena, right in the historic center. Its classrooms, decorated with eighteenth-century frescoes, are merely a point of departure from which students will discover the everyday rhythms of this unique, beautiful, and extremely liveable city.

At the end of your course a test will be taken and Romanica will present you with an attendance certificate indicating the level of Italian language knowledge achieved.


  • En hotel/pensión
  • En apartamento propio
  • Alojamiento en familias de acogida


Cursos de Francés general

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos), Pequeño (de 6 a 10 alumnos), Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)

Cursos de Italiano general

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos), Pequeño (de 6 a 10 alumnos), Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)

Preparación para exámenes de Italiano

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

CELI exams - of the University for Foreigners in Perugia

CILS exams - of the University for Foreigners in Siena

AIL exams - of the Accademia Italiana di Lingua in Florence

Admission exams to an Italian university

University language exams

Cursos de Italiano con fines profesionales

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)

Tamaño del grupo: Pequeño (de 6 a 10 alumnos)

The classes are composed of a maximum of twelve students of diverse nationalities. Each group works with two teachers, and the lessons are conducted exclusively in Italian. The four hours of daily classroom time are divided between two separate courses of grammatical structure and vocabulary, and expression and conversation. In classes composed of one or two students the duration of daily lesson will be 2 hours instead of 4; since small groups work in more intensive manner the same progress can be guaranteed.

Romanica wants to offer you the possibility to get to know the Italian culture and to gain even more from your Italian studies by organizing seminars on: Italian songs, arts, literature, history, pronunciation and phonetics, dialects, cinema, restoration and bookmaking, Italian cuisine and wines...

Cursos de Italiano personalizados

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Horas semanales: Relajado (10-15 horas semanales)

Every student has his or her specific interests, needs, and rhythms. Romanica seeks to satisfy these needs and organizes individual courses in general Italian as well as specific Italian courses in literature, art, business and commercial Italian, tourism, Italian for systematic study, translations, and courses for teachers of Italian as a foreign language.

Afternoon courses
These courses are recommended for students who are already in Italy and can dedicate a longer time period for their language studies, or for those who, because of their work, cannot participate the basic courses in the morning. The groups meet two times per week. The anticipated days of the course are Tuesday and Thursday or Wednesday and Friday. The lessons are held in the afternoon or in the evening.



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