(Buenos Aires | Uruguay )

A.B.A. Academia Buenos Aires

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Hipólito Yrigoyen 571, piso 4 , Baires (view map)

Sobre A.B.A. Academia Buenos Aires

Amerigo is a network of independent Spanish language schools in Latin America which share standards of quality and cooperate on an academic and administrative level.
Amerigo includes the following schools: Tandem Santiago, Santiago de Chile / SET Idiomas, Córdoba, Argentina / Academia Buenos Aires, Argentina / Academia Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay. All our schools have solid reputation and extensive experience in Spanish language teaching. Moreover, our schools are accredited nationally by the respective language school Association and internationally either by Tandem® or the Instituto Cervantes.
The purpose of the network is to give our students the opportunity to change destinations while learning spanish language. Our students can start a Spanish course in Argentina and end it in Uruguay or Chile or vice versa!


Cursos de Español general

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio

Tamaño del grupo: Grande (de 11 a 20 alumnos), Pequeño (de 6 a 10 alumnos), Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)



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