
English Language Teaching Council (la autoridad reconocida que regula la industria de la enseñanza del

St. Peter's School of English (Canterbury / Inglaterra / Inglaterra)

very important to your learning. Canterbury is a city with a good cultural heritage, and we can arrange

Language On Miami School (Miami / Florida / Estados Unidos)

Language On Miami School is an accredited English school accepting short term students and long

Parola Italian Language School (Florencia / Toscana / Italia)

Parola Italian Language School Parola is an Italian language school in the historic center

New York Language Center - Bronx (Nueva York / Nueva York / Estados Unidos)

New York Language Center offers unparalleled English as a second language instruction to students

Scarborough International School (Scarborough / Inglaterra / Inglaterra)

learning environment. Everyone – from children to senior citizens – can study at our place. Sometimes even

Amauta Spanish School (Ciudad del Cuzco / Cuzco / Perú)

AMAUTA Spanish School │ Language Expert in Latin America │Travel Arrangements & Cultural Tours

Linguamania Spanish School Vigo (Vigo / Galicia / España)

small and welcoming language school in Vigo (Northwest of Spain), we pride ourselves in receiving course

Eureka (Madrid / Comunidad de Madrid / España)

EUREKA is a family-run language school, established in 1988 in Madrid. Since that time students

LSF (Montpellier / Languedoc-Roussillon / Francia)

LSF Montpellier is one of the most established and well-known French language schools in France and