
Passepartout snc (Milán / Lecco / Italia)

Since 1996 Passepartout has been helping students reach their goal of communicating in Italian

Accademia Leonardo (Salerno / Salerno / Italia)

students of every nationality who wish to begin and perfect their knowledge of the Italian language, while

Scuola Portofino (Florencia / Toscana / Italia)

WELCOME TO ITALIAN LANGUAGE SCHOOL PORTOFINO Learn Italian in Italy & language courses & study

Omnilingua Scuola di Lingue (Sanremo / Liguria / Italia)

in Italian, Arabic, French, Japanese, English, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and German. OMNILINGUA has

GIGA - International House Catania (Catania / Sicilia / Italia)

Catania’s historical and commercial centre. Established in 1997, Giga IH is recognised by the Italian

Piccola Università Italiana (Tropea / Regio de Calabria / Italia)

Università Italiana - The Italian language school by the sea The Italian language school in Southern Italy

Accademia Romanica (Módena / Emilia-Romagna / Italia)

Romanica is a school for the study of the Italian language. It is the ideal place to begin or

ALCE Study Italian in Bologna (Bolonia / Emilia-Romagna / Italia)

in Italian language and culture. Based in the charming city of Bologna, the school attracts a diverse mix

Would you like to learn Italian in Italy? Our school is the solution! The Italian language school

Lingua Più - Centro Linguistico (Città di Castello / Perugia / Italia)

ages. We are an Official Training Centre, recognized by the Italian Authority and all certificates we