(Belfast | Northern Ireland )
MovingOn Courses - Bangor N.Ireland
Sobre MovingOn Courses - Bangor N.Ireland
We do not offer a typical course or even an intensive course with a few extra hours per week. With these options you inevitably speak your native language in your free time.
You live with us and another teacher in our house/guesthouse in Bangor, near Belfast, Northern Ireland.
We, the owners, Gavin and Sonia, are professional teachers but additional teachers come to our house/guesthouse to teach.
This means we have the energy to offer you
· Classes according to level (17.5 hours) - Max 4 students in class
· Meals with teachers
· Study-trips with teachers
Better value for money than any similar Immersion Course. Let us know if you "think" you have found a better value option :-)
Bangor is a beautiful town of 70,000 on the coast 30 mins from Belfast but we are the only Language school in Bangor.
Otros servicios
- Traslado y recogida en el aeropuerto o estación ferroviaria
- Instalaciones para estudiantes con discapacidades
- Deportes acuáticos
- Turismo cultural (teatros, museos, etc.)
- Danza
- Presentación de adaptación a la nueva cultura
- Actividades culturales locales (festivales, etc.)
- Arquitectura
- Visitas a lugares históricos
- Senderismo
- Cocina
- Sauna/Salud y bienestar
- Música
- Literatura
- Cine
- En hotel/pensión
- Alojamiento en familias de acogida
- Bádminton
- Fútbol
- Golf
- Natación
- Tenis de mesa
- Tenis
- Squash
Cursos de Inglés general
96% 48 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 18-70
Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio
Tipo de ubicación: Costa
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)
Preparación para exámenes de Inglés
100% 2 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 18-70
Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales), Relajado (10-15 horas semanales), General (15-25 horas semanales)
Tipo de ubicación: Costa, Ciudad mediana/grande
Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Cursos de Inglés con fines académicos
98% 2 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 18-70
Exams and Prep offered: Cambridge CAE, Cambridge FCE, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge CPE
Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio
Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)
Tipo de ubicación: Costa
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Cursos de Inglés para los negocios
96% 3 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 18-70
Exams and Prep offered: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge CPE, TOEIC
Niveles: Avanzado, Intermedio
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)
Cursos de Inglés en línea
0% 0 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Cursos de Inglés con fines profesionales
98% 3 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 18-70
Exams and Prep offered: Cambridge FCE, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge CPE, Cambridge CAE
Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio
Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)
Tipo de ubicación: Costa
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Cursos de Inglés personalizados
100% 10 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Niveles: Avanzado, Intermedio
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Cursos de verano de Inglés
99% 6 Opiniones
This course is for students aged: 18-70
Exams and Prep offered: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge CPE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge FCE
Niveles: Avanzado, Intermedio
Horas semanales: Intensivo (más de 25 horas semanales)
Tipo de ubicación: Costa
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Formación del profesorado de Inglés
100% 1 Opinión
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Niveles: Avanzado, Básico, Intermedio
Tamaño del grupo: Individual, Reducido (de 2 a 5 alumnos)
Lo que dicen los estudiantes
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estudiado Cursos de Inglés con fines profesionalesTotally different to others courses
MovingOn courses is something different. It is an authentic 100% all day English course. This adds value to your time and money.
Moreover, the learning method, including grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, presentations and a lot of interaction between students and teachers make it something unique.
The course is an extraordinary experience. You feel at home in a totally professional environment. The Directors and hosts Sonia and Gavin are professionals, with the help of Karen who also lives in the house.
publicado 5 años atrás
Lucia Valli Suiza
estudiado Cursos de verano de InglésA great experience
I’m a 18-years-old girl and I spent 2 weeks in the MovingOn course.
At first I was a little bit worried about the course because I thought that i wasn’t in the right place because of my age; but at least i enjoyed a lot this 2 weeks.
We always stayed together like a family with the other hosts and teachers doing a lot of activities.The rule that was everything in English was very useful because was the best way to improve quickly.
The lessons were very interesting and we had always the opportunity to speak and express ourselves without problems.
If you want to learn English this course is the best you can find! If you are 18 or 81 it doesn’t matter because Sonia Gavin and the others will always make you feel welcome and part of a big family!
Great experience!
Thank you
publicado 5 años atrás
Alessandro Re Sartò Italia
estudiado Preparación para exámenes de InglésGreat course, fantastic experience!!!
I spent 2 months in this course and it was fantastic! My english improved a lot and now I feel relly confident with my speaking, my listening and my writing. Teachers taught me lot of things related to my intrests and to what could be useful to me. In my opinion living with the teachers in an immersive english environment made the difference from the other courses I attended. In addition, the atmosphere is lovely and soon, after my arrival, I started feeling like being home. The only bad side is that you will miss the course after it will be finished.
publicado 5 años atrás
Alessandro Re Sartò Italia
estudiado Preparación para exámenes de InglésGreat course, fantastic experience!!!
I spent 2 months in this course and it was fantastic! My english improved a lot and now I feel relly confident with my speaking, my listening and my writing. Teachers taught me lot of things related to my intrests and to what could be useful to me. In my opinion living with the teachers in an immersive english environment made the difference from the other courses I attended. In addition, the atmosphere is lovely and soon, after my arrival, I started feeling like being home. The only bad side is that you will miss the course after it will be finished.
publicado 5 años atrás
Anna Kołodziejczak Polonia
estudiado Cursos de Inglés generalThe best English school
Hi, I spent four weeks in Bangor in „moving on courses”. It was a great time for me. I had an opportunity to speak English 24/7. No one is speaking another language than English so finally you have no choice. It’s a total immersion with 100% speaking English. Apart from having “normal” lessons you spend all your day with other students, teachers and school’s owners (Sonia and Gavin; Sonia is also an excellent teacher). People are together during lunchtime, dinnertime, afternoon and evening. You have no time to be bored. All the time someone asks you a questions and you are forced to answer them even if you have no idea what they are asking about :-). Apart from English, our lunches and suppers were very tasty. It was a big choice of food and you can always eat whatever you wanted. If you are going to stay longer for sure you’ll put on weight :-). The atmosphere is very friendly and you are treated like a part of the big family. It’s a great place to learn language as well as have a good time.
publicado 5 años atrás
Elisa Gaspari Italia
estudiado Cursos de Inglés generalMY SECOND FAMILY :)
Here I am! I spent 7 weeks in MovingOn Course, in this amazing family! At the beginning, I was worried about my English and the possibility to improve it, but now after these weeks I can say that my listening and my speaking have really improved! I have to say "Thanks you" to Sonia, Gavin, Karen, Brian and Amy because they encouraged me and they taught me a lot. I can say that is really a total immersion course with 100% English guaranteed! If you really want to improve your English, you will have to go to Bangor, to MovingOn course!
They make you feel welcome and part of a big family! I hope to come back again to enjoy my life there with them and with the other students! It has really been a beautiful experience! Thanks for everything!
publicado 6 años atrás
Riccardo Tonna Italia
estudiado Cursos de Inglés con fines profesionalesMovinOnCourse
Hi guys! I spent two months in this Academy, two amazing months during which I met lots nice people from Poland, Spain and Mexico. A typical week at MovingOnCourse is composed of lessons in the morning with different teachers usually three, then lunch together with students and teachers, it's like a lesson, they correct you and help you to improve your English skills during common life situations. Two afternoons per week, there are study trips in the afternoon and you can visit very nice places, BUT remember they aren't tourist trips but lessons, so the teachers explain lots of things to you, you can learn more words in a short time, I think that this type of lesson is very useful. The most interesting and important thing about MovingOn Courses is that the course is 100% English, I can confirm and gaurantee that this rule is very important. Gavin is avalaible for every problem and he does everything to give you the best accomodation and service.
Sonia cooks for everybody, she is a good cook, the food is always different (fish, meat,cheese,vegetables ) and always tasty! She does everything to help the students, for example if you can't eat meat she can cook another thing for you... Karen is a teacher who lives in the house, she is young, very qualified, with international experience and she helps you always (also at 11:00 p.m.). The athmosphere in the house is like a big family, Bangor is a lovely town and Belfast is only 30 minutes by train.After this experience, I recommend this course, if you can. you should attend for at least one month because when you break the ice you can get to know lovely people. I say Thank you to Gavin, Sonia and Karen for these months....see you soon for the second chapter.
publicado 6 años atrás
Vic Cor España
estudiado Cursos de Inglés generalMovingOn Courses
Buenas tardes a todos! Escribo este post porque hace unos meses estaba en Espa;a buscando información a cerca de cursos de ingles en el extranjero para tomar la mejor decisión posible y agradecí mucho que la gente opinara en foros.
Hace dos meses me decidí por MovingOnCourses y aquí sigo, estoy muy contenta!! :) Tanto los alumnos como algunos de los profesores vivimos juntos en una casa ubicada en Bangor (Irlanda del Norte). La verdad es que entre todos se crea un ambiente muy familiar que es de agradecer cuando estas lejos de tu casa. Para que os hagáis una idea, un día típico aquí es: sobre las 8:15h bajo a desayunar porque a las 8:30h empezaban las clases, que duran toda la mañana. En clase nunca hemos sido mas de 3 personas y siempre hemos tenido un nivel parecido. Sobre las 13:30h comemos todos juntos. Contra todo pronostico, ya que todo el mundo me había dicho que por estas tierras no se come muy bien, Sonia es una gran cocinera y estoy consiguiendo mantener la línea xD. Entre todos ponemos y quitamos la mesa, y es muy común que mientras estas haciendo alguna tarea, los profesores te pregunten a cerca de ella para que interiorices el vocabulario. La verdad es que están siempre muy pendientes de nosotros. Durante el primer mes hacíamos viajes de estudio dos tardes a la semana y el resto lo teníamos libre. A partir del primer mes para que te salga mas barato el curso, te dan la opción de mantener las clases igualmente por la mañana, pero por las tardes trabajar para ellos. El trabajo que puedes hacer es muy variado, desde tareas administrativas para la academia como echar una mano con cosas de la casa, y siempre te dan a elegir que es lo que prefieres hacer.
Vine con el objetivo de soltarme a hablar en ingles (siempre me había dado mucha vergüenza) y aquí no callo! xD Por supuesto cometo errores, pero prácticamente estoy todo el día acompañada de profesores que me corrigen y me enseñan.
Os dejo el link de la pagina web por si queréis saber mas o tenéis cualquier duda:
publicado 6 años atrás
Oscar Vargas Rodriguez Irlanda
estudiado Cursos de Inglés generalMy experience in MovingOn Courses
MovingOn Courses was AMAZING experience!!!! The perfect academy where you Live with the teachers. I stayed 11 weeks divided in 3 times. I´m going to speak a little about my experince there. My first time I wasn´t able to keep a conversation in English but Now my English has improved a lot and I lost the shy to speak in English.
Before my visits to MovingOn Courses I did a “normal” course in England and had so much free time alone. I also spoke a lot of Spanish. I wanted to speak English but always someone started speaking Spanish. MovingOn Courses is different.
Don´t worry if your classmates speak in the same language because every student complies the main rule of 100% English .
As regards the food, You don´t have problems Because Sonia cooks delicious and varied dishes and If you have any allergy or intolerance Sonia will cook a special dish for you.
It is an immersion course in a family atmosphere. The owners, Sonia and Gavin, joined with other teacher like Karen, Brian, Amy are teachers higly qualified in the teaching.
The Guesthouse is located near of the city centre and the Marina where you can walk or go shopping.
Why MovingOn Courses was different for me and changed my professional life?
I had to do an important English exam, perhaps the most important one in my professional career, After studying in other academies in England I failed my exam 3 times. When I was In MovingOn courses I explained my problem and from the first minute the teachers focused in my speaking problem, When I left the academy 2 weeks before my exam I kept in contact with the teachers by Skype receiving free classes to practice until last minute. The result was Amazing because I passed my exam without any difficulty. Now I gonna get a better job thank to MovingOn Courses.
How is a day in Movingon Courses?
Every day at 8am before class You are having breakfast with teachers, after you have 3 or 4 classes with a maximun of 4 students but normally there are 2 or 3 students in each classes or sometimes only one. The classes are divided in different English levels that it was checked for the teachers previously when the students arrive.
After the classes you have lunch with teachers again and a Whiteboard where they write the new vocabulary and mistakes during the meal or other situations.
It is very important to follow the instructions from teachers because they are correcting you all time. For example, If you are speaking and a teacher correct you, you must stop, think about the correction and say it again correctly.
After lunch are the study trips, is another way where you improve your English going sightseeing with teachers and classmates. the study trip finishes normally in a Pub or cafe shop where the teachers look over the vocabulary learnt in the study trip.
In the Dinner normally every student talks about their professional career or their life and is corrected by teachers on the white board again.
In the evening, after dinner there are other extra activities like going to the cinema, going to bingo (normally the students in movingon courses get some prizes).It is true, jejejjejeej. you can check here: https://www.facebook.com/MovingOnCourses.
And before going sleep you meet with other students and the Teacher Karen in the kitchen to do a Camomile Party, It is unbelievable that you are tired of the all day thinking in English and you have power to continue talking .
In your free time you can go swimming to Aurora´s swimming pool or to do fitness there because Bangor Aurora Aquatic and Leisure Complex is a facility offering an excellent choice of sporting and leisure activities in Bangor. This is the link: https://www.bangoraurora.com/bangor_aurora, ,
Also you can walk or go jogging along of the coast.
The train station is 7 minutes walk and Belfast is 30 minutes.
This is a different academy and it has been an incredible experience. I recommend it without any doubt.
publicado 6 años atrás
Ernesto Minnucci Italia
estudiado Cursos de Inglés generalIt couldn’t be better! 200 %. My wife (53) and I (57) spent 2 weeks in MovingOn course. It’s hard to believe but we started speaking English each other also when we were alone in our room. We met peo
It couldn’t be better! 200 %.
My wife (53) and I (57) spent 2 weeks in MovingOn course. It’s hard to believe but we started speaking English each other also when we were alone in our room.
We met people from other countries and the relationship was so intense and beautiful that we are still in contact and we are organizing to meet.
The teachers are gentile and kind. It was like to stay in a large family.
The course was really intense and useful.
publicado 6 años atrás