(Padova | Italy )

"Bertrand Russell" Italian Language School

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Via E. Filiberto di Savoia 6 , Padova (view map)
64% (13 reviews)

About "Bertrand Russell" Italian Language School

The Bertrand Russell Italian Language School in Padua was established in 1975.
We offer the best Italian culture and language courses to students from all over the world with different levels of language knowledge that wish to learn Italian in a welcoming and pleasant environment; with us, students learn Italian by being pleasantly included in the culture and the life of the Bel Paese.
Our language courses are integrated by several leisure activities, for example cooking lessons and guided tours. These activities allow students to enjoy the local traditions and attractions, promoting spontaneous learning, the use of the Italian language and interpersonal relations.
Our passion for the Italian culture and language is clearly to be experienced in the way we welcome and support our students during their stay. We are always available for our students and try our best to satisfy all their teaching and accommodation requests. We even provide the chance to receive private Italian lessons that are tailor-made. We help to find central and comfortable accommodations in addition to assisting our students with the documents that they need to formalise their stay.

Additional Services

  • Airport/Station transfer
  • Visa support


  • Host family accommodation
  • Own apartment
  • In hotel/guesthouse
  • Shared Apartment


  • Film
  • Cultural tourism (theater, museum, etc.)
  • Historical sightseeing


General Italian

63% 13 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Basic, Intermediate

Class Sizes: Medium, 6-10 students

Weekly Hours: General 15-25 hrs/wk

Our Italian language courses are ideal for people who wish to learn together, in small groups of maximum 10 people.
Group lessons allow students to practice their Italian in a relaxed and fun–filled atmosphere and to socialise with other students from all over the world.
Our courses cater to all students, from absolute beginners to students with more advanced knowledge, and are divided into levels that mirror the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Course duration:
For each course there are 80 hours of lessons spread over a 4-week period.
However, it is possible to attend courses for longer or shorter periods than the 4 weeks, with fees proportional to the actual period of study.

Classes are held Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
There is an intermission that can be an excellent opportunity for our students to socialize.

Course levels:
The Italian language courses are divided into four different levels with progressive levels of difficulty, from elementary (A1) to advanced (C2), according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Students who already have some knowledge of Italian can join a course at the appropriate level for them at any time, after taking a short test to assess their level of competence.
We strongly recommend absolute beginners to join courses on the scheduled start dates. At the end of each course students shall take a test: if the student passes, then a certificate of progress shall be issued. On the contrary, if the outcome is not satisfactory, the course can be repeated at a reduced price.

Italian Exam Preparation

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Basic, Intermediate

Class Sizes: One-to-One, Small, 2-5 students

Weekly Hours: Relaxed 10-15 hrs/wk, General 15-25 hrs/wk, Intensive 25+ hrs/wk

Private Italian lessons are the best option for those students who aim at obtaining an official Italian language certification (CELI, CILS, PLIDA) and therefore require specific training on the contents and procedures of the relevant examination.

Italian Academic preparation

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Intermediate

Class Sizes: Medium, 6-10 students, Small, 2-5 students

Weekly Hours: General 15-25 hrs/wk

We offer preparation courses for the admission tests to the main Italian university numerus clausus courses such as Medicine, Architecture, Psychology and Economics.
Our courses will be based on the guidelines set by the university, with particular focus on scientific subjects, and shall be taught by experienced teachers specialising in each subject.
Students wishing to enrol in these courses must have a good knowledge of the Italian language (level B1 at least ).

Business Italian

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Intermediate

Weekly Hours: Relaxed 10-15 hrs/wk, General 15-25 hrs/wk, Intensive 25+ hrs/wk

Private Italian lessons are the best option for people who need to use Italian in their business dealings and wish to learn the specific economic, business, legal, medical or tourist jargon, or more generally, learn the language that can apply to professional situations in general. The course can be tailored to the individual needs and goals of the student after a discussion with the teacher.

Italian online

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

The philosophy of our School requires us to stay - abreast of the latest technological developments in order to meet the needs of people who wish to learn Italian but cannot come to Padua, or who would like to continue studying after taking courses. This is the reason that led us to offer Italian lessons via Skype. Thanks to an interactive whiteboard and with the help of teachers who are familiar with the latest teaching methods, students can follow the lessons from home, without having to forego the dynamics and effectiveness of an onsite lesson with a teacher.
Lessons are structured according to the student's needs and are recommended for those students who aim to obtain an official Italian language certification (CELI, CILS, PLIDA) and therefore require specific training on the contents and procedures of the relevant examination. This method is also valid for people who need to use Italian in their business dealings and wish to learn the specific economic, business, legal, medical or tourist jargon, or more generally, learn the language that can apply to professional situations in general.

Professional Italian

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Intermediate

Class Sizes: One-to-One, Small, 2-5 students

Weekly Hours: Relaxed 10-15 hrs/wk, General 15-25 hrs/wk, Intensive 25+ hrs/wk

Private Italian lessons are the best option for people who need to use Italian in their business dealings and wish to learn the specific economic, business, legal, medical or tourist jargon, or more generally, learn the language that can apply to professional situations in general. The course can be tailored to the individual needs and goals of the student after a discussion with the teacher.

Tailor made Italian courses

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Basic, Intermediate

Weekly Hours: Relaxed 10-15 hrs/wk, General 15-25 hrs/wk, Intensive 25+ hrs/wk

Private Italian lessons are the best option for students with specific needs, as the course can be tailored to the individual needs and goals of the student after a discussion with the teacher.
Private Italian lessons are an excellent alternative to group courses, because they allow the student to work with the teacher on a one-on-one basis and focus on specific grammar, culture and news issues, or on any other subject that the student may be particularly interested in. Moreover, they can be useful for students who have already attended a group course and need to strengthen and practice their knowledge and the acquired language skills.
Individual lessons are recommended for those students who aim at obtaining an official Italian language certification (CELI, CILS, PLIDA) and therefore require specific training on the contents and procedures of the relevant examination. This method is also valid for people who need to use Italian in their business dealings and wish to learn the specific economic, business, legal, medical or tourist jargon, or more generally, learn the language that can apply to professional situations in general.
It is possible to take private lessons with a friend or in small groups of 2-3 people, provided all participant have the same level of knowledge of the Italian language. The calendar of classes is flexible; it is possible to attend private Italian language lessons on any day of the year, including on Saturdays and Sundays, by agreeing a time with the teacher.

Italian Summer Courses

0% 0 Reviews

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Location Type: Town/City

Levels: Advanced, Basic, Intermediate

Weekly Hours: General 15-25 hrs/wk

Our Italian language courses are ideal for people who wish to learn together, in small groups of maximum 10 people.
Group lessons allow students to practice their Italian in a relaxed and fun–filled atmosphere and to socialise with other students from all over the world.
Our courses cater to all students, from absolute beginners to students with more advanced knowledge, and are divided into levels that mirror the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Course duration:
For each course there are 80 hours of lessons spread over a 4-week period.
However, it is possible to attend courses for longer or shorter periods than the 4 weeks, with fees proportional to the actual period of study.

Classes are held Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
There is an intermission that can be an excellent opportunity for our students to socialize.

Course levels:
The Italian language courses are divided into four different levels with progressive levels of difficulty, from elementary (A1) to advanced (C2), according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Students who already have some knowledge of Italian can join a course at the appropriate level for them at any time, after taking a short test to assess their level of competence.
We strongly recommend absolute beginners to join courses on the scheduled start dates. At the end of each course students shall take a test: if the student passes, then a certificate of progress shall be issued. On the contrary, if the outcome is not satisfactory, the course can be repeated at a reduced price.



13 Reviews

What students are saying

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Search results: 3 of 13 total results
"Bertrand Russell" Italian Language School


studied General Italian

Eine wunderbare Schule / Una scuola fantastica

Mein Name ist Julia und ich habe einen Kurs für 4 Monate an der Bertrand Russell Schule gemacht. Die Lehrer sind Muttersprachler und verstehen es Ihre Sprache und Ihre Kultur zu unterrichten. Es hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ich habe oft Komplimente für mein Italienisch von Italienern bekommen. Die Atmosphäre in der Schule ist sehr freundlich und das Sekretariat ist sehr hilfsbereit.
Ciao a tutti sono Julia, ho fatto un corso di quattro mesi alla scuola Bertrand Russell. Tutti gli insegnanti sono madrelingua e sono molto bravi a trasmettere la loro lingua e la loro cultura. L'ambiente nella scuole è molto amichevole e lo staff è sempre disponibile per qualsiasi domanda.
Se non sapete scegliere una scuola a Padova, la Bertrand Russell può essere un'ottima scelta. :)

posted 9 years ago

"Bertrand Russell" Italian Language School


studied General Italian

Livello Intermedio

Excellent teaching in small groups, very friendly and helpful people around in the institute, attractive location in the inner-city, easy access to bars, shops, piazzas, museums and other exhibition places. Padua: a very attractive and lively city, with many interesting and beautiful historical buildings (among them many churches and basilicas, the university, the Municipal Palace) and monuments making visible, within any walking-distance, the impressive history of the city since the Middle Ages.

posted 9 years ago

"Bertrand Russell" Italian Language School


studied General Italian

Kurs w sierpniu

W szkole Bertrand Russell odbyłam intensywny miesięczny kurs. Niestety, mimo wielkich nadziei nie spełnił w żadnym stopniu moich oczekiwań. Po zakończeniu poziomu B1 w Instytucie w Warszawie zostałam przyporządkowana do 2 grupy zaawansowania, mimo, że prosiłam o przeniesienie, test który napisałam kwalifikował mnie do tej grupy i nie można był "nic zrobić". Miałam nadzieję, że dzięki zajęciom otworzę się na język i zniknie moja bariera językowa. Niestety z czasem coraz bardziej się zamykałam, nawet w sklepach zaczęłam mówić po angielsku. Spotkania z moimi przyjaciółmi włochami dawały mi dużo więcej, jeżeli chodzi o sprawność językową. Po drugim tygodniu prawie przestałam uczęszczać na zajęcia poświęcając ten czas na rozmowy z rodowitymi włochami. Dzięki temu mój czas nie został całkowicie zmarnowany. Być może niektórym odpowiada typ zajęć prowadzonych przez szkołę, być może to ja nie uczyłam się wystarczająco. Nauczyciele są na pewno osobami wykształconymi i być może to wina tylko grupy z którą miałam zajęcia. Mimo wszystko jestem całkowicie niezadowolona z wyboru akurat tej szkoły.

posted 9 years ago



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