Polyglot profile: John Fotheringham

John Fotheringham describes himself as a languaholic as he loves learning, speaking and teaching languages. Travel is also his passion and he has been living in Japan, China, Taiwan and Bangladesh. He is the founder of Language Mastery, which he created to help out adult language learners. He can help you be a more efficient learner, but you must be devoted to the process.

Through his life-long experience he has come to realize that languages can’t actually be taught. In reality you learn languages by having contact with them and so if you actively read, speak, listen and write in a foreign language for long enough and with dedication you can reach fluency. Language Mastery is based exactly on this principle and all the tips, tools and know-how is focused on maximizing your exposure to languages.

On his blog you will find articles, tools and tips on learning languages; language guides, which you can purchase (Master Japanese and Master Mandarin); the Language Mastery Show, a podcast focusing on language learning; the Language Mastery Insider, a free program with language guides, exclusive content.

Among his articles you will find many interviews with fellow polyglots, a lot of focus on Japanese and Mandarin, but also information on other languages, debunking of language learning myths or how excuses are the only thing standing between you and learning a language (like this one) also tips and know-how  of language learning (like How to Learn (and Actually Remember!) New Words or The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Language Learners).

Find out more about John Fotheringham on his website Language Mastery.

Source: https://l2mastery.com/

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