You will need the definite articles in French, if you want to learn this language. And these articles are much more complicated than in English. But nevertheless, you need them to talk and to write in French. Don’t panic because you have to learn the definite articles in French. There are a lot of possibilities to cram for them (like attending a language course in another country)!
The definite articles in French
In English, there is only “the”. In French in comparison, there are four articles: “le”, “la”, “l’” and “les”.
The definite article “le”
“Le” is the masculine definite article. It is used for all nouns in French which are masculine. Here are a few examples: le beurre (the butter), le café (the coffee), le dictionnaire (the dictionary).
The definite article “la”
“La” is the feminie definite article in French and it used for all nouns which are singular feminine. Like these words: la boisson (the drink), la couleur (the color) and la fleur (the flower).
The definite article “l’”
“L’” is also a definite article in French in the singular form. It is used for all nouns which start with a vowel. Here are a few exampfles: l’eau (the water), l’erreur (the mistake) and l’information (the information).
The definite article “les”
“Les” is the plural form of the definite article in French. Regardless of gender, all plural nouns use this articles.
If you want to learn more about the definite articles in French, you should attend a language course in France (or in another French-speaking country). You will get in touch with different words, the right pronunciation and you will learn when to use which article. Search now and start your study abroad!
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