Learning a foreign language means always to learn new words. That could be words which you use in your daily life, but also in a working context. But the most important thing is to know wordfields and to have a view of a certain topic, like fruits and vegetables.
You need the words for fruits and vegetables in different situations: for example while cooking a meal, reading the menu in a restaurant or doing shopping in the supermarket. To know these words you could attend a language school or start with these words:
Fruits in different languages
- German: Johannisbeere
- French: groseille à grappe
- Spanish: grosella
- Italian: ribes
- Portuguese: groselha
- Dutch: aalbes
- Polish: czerwona porzeczka
- German: Apfel
- French: pomme
- Spanish: manzana
- Italian: mela
- Portuguese: maçã
- Dutch: appel
- Polish: jabłko
- German: Birne
- French: poire
- Spanish: pera
- Italian: pera
- Portuguese: pera
- Dutch: peer
- Polish: gruszka
- German: Kirsche
- French: cerise
- Spanish: cereza
- Italian: ciliegia
- Portuguese: cereja
- Dutch: kers
- Polish: wiśnia
- German: Nektarine
- French: nectarine
- Spanish: nectarina
- Italian: nettarina
- Portuguese: nectarina
- Dutch: nectarine
- Polish: nektarynka
- German: Aprikose
- French: abricot
- Spanish: albaricoque
- Italian: albicocca
- Portuguese: damasco
- Dutch: abrikoos
- Polish: morela
- German: Weintraube
- French: raisin
- Spanish: uva
- Italian: uva
- Portuguese: uva
- Dutch: wijndruif
- Polish: winogrono
- German: Erdbeere
- French: fraise
- Spanish: fresa
- Italian: fragola
- Portuguese: morango
- Dutch: aardbei
- Polish: truskawka
- German: Himbeere
- French: framboise
- Spanish: frambuesa
- Italian: lampone
- Portuguese: framboesa
- Dutch: framboos
- Polish: malina
- German: Wassermelone
- French: pastèque
- Spanish: sandia
- Italian: cocomero
- Portuguese: melancia
- Dutch: watermeloen
- Polish: arbuz
- German: Mandarine
- French: mandarine
- Spanish: mandarina
- Italian: mandarino
- Portuguese: tangerina
- Dutch: mandrijn
- Polish: mandarynka
- German: Orange
- French: orange
- Spanish: naranja
- Italian: arancia
- Portuguese: laranja
- Dutch: oranje
- Polish: pomarańcza
- German: Banane
- French: banane
- Spanish: banana
- Italian: banana
- Portuguese: banana
- Dutch: banaan
- Polish: banan
- German: Feige
- French: figue
- Spanish: higo
- Italian: fico
- Portuguese: figo
- Dutch: vijg
- Polish: figa
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