
AIP Languages (Valence / Valencian Community / Espagne)

AIP Language Institute is a language school which allows you to not only practice your spanish but

Instituto Hispánico de Murcia (Murcie / Murcie / Espagne)

sociales, pouvoir profiter de la vie comme le font les Espagnols… Et nous aussi, mais nous y ajoutons 3

Habla Ya Spanish Schools (Panamá / Panama)

Habla Ya is Panama's premier network of Spanish schools with campuses in Boquete (Pacific mountains

K2 CADIZ (Cadiz / Andalusia / Espagne)

K2 CADIZ is a Spanish language school located in one of the most typical squares of the heart of

LA PLAYA Escuela de Español (Málaga / Andalusia / Espagne)

Spanish. We are also very proud to offer a true insight into the wealthy culture of Spain. To achieve

ESI UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia (Murcie / Murcie / Espagne)

their knowledge of one of the following exciting languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Españolé - International House Valencia (Valence / Valencian Community / Espagne)

Españolé International House is a Spanish language school located in Valencia, Spain. We offer high

Hispania, escuela de español (Valence / Valencian Community / Espagne)

Welcome to Hispania, escuela de español, a Spanish Language School that has taken into

Centro MundoLengua (Séville / Andalusia / Espagne)

Partez à la découverte de l´Espagne et améliorez votre espagnol avec Centro MundoLengua! Depuis

OnSpain School (Málaga / Andalusia / Espagne)

OnSpain Language School is located in Malaga, where you can learn Spanish at various levels. For