(Torino | Italy )
ASEI Formazione Piemonte

About ASEI Formazione Piemonte
ASEI School is a “SMART” language school, placing students in the middle of their education by putting them in a position to take advantage of technology in education. ASEI School is present in ITALY, in Uk ( London) and in Malta ( Mellieha). ASEI School combines the challenge of a “Smart city”, in which citizens are not only those who know and understand technology but also those who, through this knowledge, are able to develop a new, different and more intense level of civic participation, social and cultural.
General Italian
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This course is for students aged: 16-70
Lessons will be held by qualified teachers, in comfortable settings with small homogeneous groups. The lessons are intended for people who want to discover the Italian language thanks to a short but challenging introductory course. Our courses are based on active and practical communication. Our aim is to create a relaxed friendly atmosphere, where our students can feel at ease as part of a group in which learning is enjoyable and stimulating.
Our teachers bring students to a kind of spontaneous acquisition through an inductive approach that will allow them to develop an understanding of everyday language, both in the class room and during the trips around the city. Students are totally immersed in the Italian and Piedmont culture which they experience directly during the visits around the regional capital and which provide the perfect occasion to relate to the language rules taught in class.
Italian Exam Preparation
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This course is for students aged: 16-70
Certificati di conoscenza della lingua italiana (celi)
La Certificazione Ditals
Certificazione di lingua italiana (È una certificazione rilasciata dall’Università per Stranieri di Siena)
Carta di soggiorno (Un test di italiano come condizione necessaria per ottenere la Carta di soggiorno, o meglio il “permesso di soggiorno CE per soggiornanti di lungo periodo”)
Business English
0% 0 Reviews
This course is for students aged: 16-70
hotel & Catering
Pharmaceutical Industry
Italian online
0% 0 Reviews
This course is for students aged: 16-70
E-learning for Asei School
All courses or self-training modules in e-learning require a language proficiency of at least elementary level(A2). Mother-tongue tutors of Asei School will accompany you during all phases of online learning. You will have additional training materials specific to your level and your interests.
English online
0% 0 Reviews
This course is for students aged: 16-70
E-learning for Asei School
All courses or self-training modules in e-learning require a language proficiency of at least elementary level(A2). Mother-tongue tutors of Asei School will accompany you during all phases of online learning. You will have additional training materials specific to your level and your interests.
Professional English
0% 0 Reviews
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Customer Care
Human Resources
Marketing and Advertising
Sales and Purchasing
English Summer Courses
0% 0 Reviews
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Our school is not just about language development – we also work hard to encourage multi-cultural social awareness, leadership & presentation skills; to help you advance with the abilities you need to be a strong contributor in the international business & work community.
Our administration, staff and Native English Teachers are part of an international team dedicated to providing the highest level of personalised service to all students, agents and partners.
In addition to having a great experience in Malta, you will receive top quality English language education that will open the doors to your future.
English Teacher Training
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This course is for students aged: 16-70
An introduction to teaching English as a foreign language and a refresher course for experienced teachers. offering certification in EFL from ASEI school on successful completion of course. The course will provide updates on the latest research in EFL and will also consider the relationship between new technologies and language learning.
In just one weekend, you’ll learn how to prepare lessons, create interactive and engaging activities, manage your classroom, and develop tasks based on your students’ proficiency levels. You’ll also learn more about the teaching of English grammar tenses and gain an understanding of what life in the classroom is really like for language learners.
If you are considering teaching English or you’d like to pursue professional development and improve your existing skills in language teaching, the 16 hour Weekend TEFL in Turin is the best place to start!