CourseFinders Blog

Why Languages Are So Hard To Learn And Which Are Easiest

Why Languages Are So Hard To Learn And Which Are Easiest   Languages are the easiest to learn when you’re young, especially if your parents are of different nationalities. As you get older it gets harder, not only because your brain is less receptive, but also because you have more responsibilities, which can be time-consuming. …

The benefits of learning languages when you’re young

 The benefits of learning languages when you’re young   This article presents the benefits of learning languages when you’re young and shows how this knowledge is beneficial in the long run. It helps develop valuable skills like planning and multitasking, as well as aids memory and focus. For more information see the link below.   …

The experience and tips of a man who learned to speak four languages in a few years

The experience and tips of a man who learned to speak four languages in a few years This article presents the method that helped opera singer Gabriel Wyner learn four languages in the past few years. The process consists of four stages including pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, listening, writing and reading; and speaking. For more …


The benefits of language learning

  THE BENEFITS OF LANGUAGE LEARNING   Learning a foreign language requires effort and time dedication. Sometimes it gets overwhelming or you lack time and motivation. In times of hardship remember all the benefits that learning languages brings.   Better work opportunities Learning a foreign language help develop a range of cognitive skills, which are …

Language learning resources

  Language learning resources   Language learning resources including a base vocabulary list of around 625 words you should know first. You will also find resources for writing, speaking and pronunciation. Basically everything you need to prepare for learning grammar. The site also provides links to resources for specific languages including English, Chinese, Arabic, French, …


7 questions you need to ask yourself before you start learning a foreign language

  7 questions you need to ask yourself before you start learning a foreign language     Before you start learning a foreign language it is important to know exactly what you want and what you want to achieve through the process of studying. Here are seven questions to help you start off the right …

How to Reach Native-Like Fluency in a Foreign Language

  How to Reach Native-Like Fluency in a Foreign Language This is usually a goal for anyone learning a foreign language, however it is difficult to reach. This article focuses on presenting what is native-like fluency and how to achieve it. Fluency is divided into four levels: basic fluency, personal fluency, native-like fluency and literacy. …

The 3 stages of language-learning evolution

The 3 stages of language-learning evolution   The three stages of the language learning to help you better understand the process. The three stages include: beginner, intermediate and advanced. The method you choose to learn with as well as the time to put into the learning process are crucial.