Improve your speaking skills – Part 1

Speaking skills are the hardest to master in a foreign languages. It’s always a challenge to speak in a newly learned language, because we doubt ourselves and sometimes the language barrier takes over. Here are a few things you can do to make yourself feel more confident when speaking in a foreign language.


Pay attention to pronunciation of words when you learn. Wherever and however you learn there are usually listening materials you can use. They are sometimes overlooked, which is a big mistake. Correct pronunciation is the first step to feeling confident when speaking in a new language.


Podcasts are a great way to pick up on pronunciation and feel the vibe of a conversation. There’s no speaking without listening. So in order to prepare yourself for speaking start with listening and get accustomed to how the language sounds. Podcasts are usually free and portable so they are a very convenient way to practice listening. You have options – you can listen to language learning podcasts or podcasts on a topic chosen by you not related to languages, but spoken in the language you are trying to learn. Both will be beneficial.

Watch movies and series

Observing and listening to people having a conversation is a great way to prepare yourself for speaking with someone. There is the added convenience of subtitles (you can set them to the spoken language), which are useful for when you don’t fully understand something that is said.

Talk with natives

With the available technology and social media there is the possibility of speaking with native speakers around the world. It’s a great opportunity to practice your speaking skills in a safe environment (everybody is there to learn!) and without being judged.

Read out loud

At first this may seem weird to you, but try it out for yourself. Reading a book or even magazine articles out loud will help you with correct pronunciation and you will get to practice the language verbally.

Resources to practice speaking coming soon!

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