The pronunciation is an important part of your language learning process. You have to take notice of every letter and different possibilites to pronounce them.

But how could you avoid mistakes and improve your pronunciation?

The most important aspect is that you have to be motivated – every moment you learn. If you learn a new word with the right pronunciation, you won’t have many problems in your future learning process. But if you learn a new word with a wrong pronunciation, it will be very difficult to change it later in your mind.

How could you learn the right pronunciation?

To learn the pronunciation of each word and to improve your language skills you have different possibilites:

1) Listen to words and sentences and repeat them.

The best way to learn the pronunciation is to listen to words and senteces in your learning language. After listening, you stop and you repeat them. Do you use the same pronunciation? Your goal is always to speak the words and sentences in the same way.

2) Visit another country.

In another country you have a better possibility to improve your pronunciation. You could hear the language and take notice of the pronunciation every day. In addition you could talk to natives and get in touch with the speaking speed.

3) Attend a language school.

If you want more than only visiting another country, you could also attend a language school. There you can improve your pronunciation, but also your language skills in general. Check our language schools here!

4) Watch TV and films in your learning language.

The more often you watch TV in your learning language, the more you will improve your pronunciation. Because of hearing always the right pronunciation, you will have a certain feel for your learning language (- after a while).

5) Have conversations with language partners.

A language partner could help you to improve your pronunciation skills. He could correct your mistakes and can show you how to pronounce a word like a native.

6) Read a book.

Another possibility is to read out a book in your learning language. It will take more time to read the whole book, but only a few pages every day could help you to get better.

So don’t forget:

  • Learn new words and sentences only with the right pronunciation.
  • Be attentive and have always the desire to improve your pronunciation.
  • And of course: To improve your language skills in general, attend a language school.

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