Every language has its own special words and therefore there are also typical words in German. These are most terms that go hand in hand with a feeling or a special story. And the most difficult part is: It is hard to translate them into another language. But don’t panic! If you attend a German course at a language school in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, you will certainly come into contact with these German words.

7 typical words in German

1) der Brückentag

If Thursday is a public holiday and many can stay at home, one often uses Friday – the bridge day – to have a long weekend. This means that on Friday you take a holiday to have four days off.

2) der innere Schweinehund

There are many typical words in German, but der innere Schweinehund is particularly important. It keeps you from doing sports, doing your next job or cleaning your apartment. So he makes sure you stay on the couch rather than get active. You will only feel better when you have overcome your inneren Schweinehund.

3) das Abendbrot

Of course there is a dinner in every country, but in Germany it is also called Abendbrot (the bread in the evening). Mostly sandwiches are eaten in the evening and in many German families even relatively early in the evening. Meanwhile the sandwich has disappeared in the evening and some families have something warm to eat. But one thing remains: the term “Abendbrot”.

4) verabredet sein

An appointment is basically an appointment and the word appointment can probably be translated into most languages. In German, however, there is another term which means “to have an appointment”. We are talking about: verabredet sein.

5) das Einfühlungsvermögen

There are always situations that are complicated or difficult. But it’s exactly in these situations that you should have Einfühlungsvermögen. This means that you say or do something nice and above all act with caution. Because only through a small mistake you can hurt someone with words or break something.

6) die Schnapsidee

There are many typical words in German and also “die Schnapsidee” is one of them. Die Schnapsidee actually describes an idea of someone who has drunk too much alcohol. Nevertheless, a Schnapsidee can also come from a sober person – exactly when the idea is so crazy that it could have been from a drunk.

7) die Geborgenheit

A good translation would be security, although that’s not exactly what it means yet. When a person feels “geborgen”, he or she feels safe, but also protected and surrounded by warmth. For example, a child may feel safe in the arms of its parents. There they feel safety, but also warmth and protection.

If you would like to learn more words in German, check our website to find your perfect language school in one of the German-speaking countries! It will be a lot of fun!

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