Top jobs for multilingual people

Earlier in the year we posted an article on the best jobs for people who are passionate about languages and want to make use of their passion at work (check it out here).

Now we want to present even more jobs, in which you can combine your passions, the one for languages with other passions you may have.

It’s common to say that knowing foreign languages can guarantee a good job. Unfortunately it may not always seem so. But maybe you have been looking in the wrong places? Check out these industries and lines of work to see if you find something might be the right fit for you.

If you have yet to become a multilingual, don’t worry! Find you perfect language school and start learning today.

Customer Service

Speaking more than one language will help you serve a greater number of customers. It will also make the customers feel more comfortable and will allow them to communicate with the company more effectively.

Hospitality and Travel

These are ones of the most obvious industries in need of multilinguals. With more and more people travelling abroad employers in the hospitality and travel industries are looking for employees knowing two or more languages. Your service can make someone’s holiday a dream come true.


Here we are not talking about language teaching, there are other positions in education which need multilinguals, like international student recruiter, guidance counselor or student services. A lot of students are studying abroad and the ability to speak with someone in their mother tongue will make them feel more at home.


Healthcare offers stable employment and knowing languages can help you effectively care for patients. A communication barrier in the healthcare industry can be a matter of life and death in extreme cases. Put your talents to good use and start saving lives.

Check out these language schools to learn English, Spanish, German and French.

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