We have made it through another year together! Thank you for being here with us and for your interest in languages and studying abroad. This year we tackled a lot of different topics from visa regulations, through study abroad destinations to inspiring language learning quotes. We hope you have enjoyed our articles and have learnt a lot from them. Here are the most popular articles of 2018 on CourseFinders!

Are you thinking about studying abroad? Make your first step with CourseFinders.com.

How to plan your next language trip

Are you thinking about a language journey, but are unsure about how to approach the idea? Don’t worry! We’ll help you out. In this quick article we share with you the most important steps of planning such a journey, so that you can make your first step towards your goal in confidence.

Read the whole article here.

Improve your listening skills today

Working on listening skills when learning a new language is often overlooked – we usually focus on grammar and speaking. However listening is just as important, especially if you want to have conversations with native speakers. Find out the four most important tips to help you with your listening skills.

Read the whole article here.

Visa requirements to study in Canada

This year we did a whole series on visa requirements to study in different countries and Canada was one of them. Find out if you need a visa to study there and which type of visa will be the best for you as well as if you can work during your studies.

Read the whole article here.

Happy Birthday in 44 languages – congratulate your international friends

We were not surprised that this article made it into the most popular articles of 2018 list! It just goes to show to languages are a way to communicate with other people and that you – our readers – are in an international environment want to do just that.

Read the whole article here.

Quotes that motivate you to study abroad

We finish this list of with our favorite one! It can sometimes be hard to stay motivated when learning languages. Studying abroad can be a trip that changes that whole experience for you. If you have never considered studying abroad read this article and let us change your mind.

Read the whole article here.

That’s it – our list of the most popular articles of 2018. Which would make it to your top 5 list? Let us know on social media using the buttons below.