18 tips for learning languages

  1. Find your perfect language school
    Apart from learning by yourself on a daily basis it’s good to attend classes. Why? There are many benefits of learning in a language school such as teacher supervisions, the opportunity to converse, the lessons are organized, resources are prepared for you and you have extra motivation.
  2. Use resources that you like and which interest you
    There’s always that one grammar book which gives you a headache. Forget about it and find books that you like and which interest you and most of all which explain grammar and language structures in manner that is clear for you.
  3. Have a plan
    Planning will make your learning process much easier. Set goals for yourself. They will enable you to see your progress or adjust you learning methods if needed. It’s best to write down your plan or even make it into a checklist for easy verification.
  4. Learn in various ways
    Keep things interesting! There are many ways to learn a language. Apart from going to classes and learning from books try language exchange, podcasts, reading novels and listening to audiobooks.
  5. Take notes
    Taking notes is an essential part of effective learning. Take notes during classes and when you learn by yourself. Jot down new vocabulary, grammar rules, irregular verbs and anything that you think is important.
  6. Keep yourself motivated
    Staying motivated guarantees a successful learning process. When you lack motivation think of the benefits that come from learning a language, keep in mind why you started and find motivation in group learning.
  7. Learn the fun way
    Remember that you don’t only have to learn from books. While it’s effective it can also get boring after some time. Try watching movies and series in a foreign language, listen to music and sing, read novels and search the web for gossip on foreign website.
  8. Learn a little bit every day
    Making language learning your everyday experience can really boost your progress. It doesn’t even have to a lot of time just a daily exposure to a foreign language.
  9. Make breaks
    There are times when life gets too intense and you have too much to deal with. Learning comes hard in such moments, so it’s a perfect time to take a break. Do something relaxing, take a walk clear your head. Take some time off, even a few days! Once you get back to learning you will see how easily it will come.
  10. Look for inspiration
    Once you surround yourself with people who are learning languages, you can find that their passion for it can inspire you and boost your motivation. So when in doubt engage yourself in conversation with people who are still going strong and you will quickly join them. You can also get inspired in other ways, find out what work for you.
  11. Find a study group
    Learning in a group can be a great experience. You have motivation and are inspired by others. You and your friends can help each other out and explain something the others don’t understand. A study group can also make the process more fun and you can meet people who share your passion for languages.
  12. Use online resources and options
    There are many online resources and apps you can use to learn languages. It’s a fun and convenient way of revising material or learning new vocabulary. If you don’t have a lot of time during the day, apps are also a great way to learn languages on the go.
  13. Practice speaking
    Nowadays technology makes it easy and offers platforms to talk with native speakers and language learners all over the world. Language exchanges are a great opportunity to use other people’s knowledge of language and share your own.
  14. Study abroad
    Studying abroad is a perfect opportunity to learn a foreign language. After all you are surrounded by the language and immersed in the culture. You can listen to how the locals speak and learn their traditions.
  15. Subscribe to a word of the day
    Word of the day is a great way to learn a new word in a foreign language every day. It’s a convenient way to increase your vocabulary.
  16. Read a language blog
    Reading about the experiences with learning languages of other people can be a great inspiration. You can also find many useful things on language blogs such as resources to learn, recommended sites and tips on language learning.
  17. Travel
    Travelling is the best way to experience foreign languages and it can inspire you to learn a new one as well. Explore new places and take trip to a faraway country to make experiences of a lifetime.
  18. Make mistakes and own them
    Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. It’s guaranteed that you are going to make some mistakes when you learn a foreign language. But instead of letting them get you down, learn from them and progress in your language learning process.

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