Successful language exchange

Talking with native speakers is a great way to practice languages. We wrote about it here and included some language exchange communities to get you started.

Here are some tips on how to have a successful language exchange.

  1. Think of your expectations and what you can offer. Remember it’s a sharing community.
  2. Pick a language exchange platform. You can choose one from the link above. Try out a few and see what suits you best.
  3. Choose a partner, who will be a match for you language-wise. It should also be a person with whom you can comfortably talk about topics that interest you both.
  4. Have a conversation with your partner about what you expect. How often you want to talk, how long should your conversations last, mention topics you want to talk about. Find common ground and make guidelines together of how you want the process to look like.
  5. Remember to divide time equally between both of your languages.
  6. Probably your partner will not be a language teacher (although they can be) so don’t forget that they can make mistakes as so can you.
  7. Prepare for your language exchange conversations. Write down topics to talk about, vocabulary you want to use, questions you want to ask.
  8. Also actively participate in the conversations and take notes of new vocabulary while you talk.
  9. Be a good partner – be on time, abide by the rules you both agreed upon, encourage the other person and be patient with them.
  10. Talk to more than one person if you have the time and it won’t interfere with the plan you made with your partner.

Get talking!

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