(Norman | United States )

University of Oklahoma - Center for English as a Second Language

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1660 Cross Center Drive , Norman (view map)

Sobre University of Oklahoma - Center for English as a Second Language

The Center for English as a Second Language offers an intensive English language program for all levels of English learners. With 20 hours per week of expertly taught language instruction, our program is designed for highly motivated students who wish to acquire command of the English language quickly. Courses are held in spring, summer and fall 7-week sessions.

Serviços adicionais

  • Aconselhamento ao aluno
  • Orientação sobre vistos


  • No campus


Geral Inglês

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Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 16-70

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Grande, 11-20 alunos, Médio, 6-10 alunos, Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

CESL students are required to take three core courses and one or two seminar classes.
Core courses:
Speaking and Listening
Seminar (2 hour-long classes, or 1 two-hour class)

In the afternoon, CESL offers a variety of seminar classes. Some are required and others are elective.

These classes will vary each session, but below are examples of the topics we offer to our students:

Grammar Seminar
CESL 101 (required for new students)
American Pop Culture and History Through Movies
English for Math and Science
Service Learning
Current Events
University Reading and Writing
Playing the Wild West - an ESL role-play game

Inglês Preparação para exames

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Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 16-70

In addition to our core courses, we offer test preparation seminars for the TOEFL iBT and IELTS. These classes are for upper intermediate and advanced students interested in studying for the university English proficiency exam.



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