(Findlay | United States )

The University of Findlay

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1000 N Main Street , Findlay (view map)

Sobre The University of Findlay

Founded in 1882, The University of Findlay has had many years of experience in providing educational programs for students. There are over 300 international students studying in undergraduate and graduate programs. The University of Findlay emphasizes personal attention and quality education. The University of Findlay has been named one of Princeton Review's Best Midwestern Colleges for 2011. The University of Findlay has been ranked by U.S.News and World Report as a top-tier Midwest university for the fifth consecutive year. UF also was named to the “A+ Schools for B Students” list. The University of Findlay is a fully accredited institution.


Geral Inglês

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Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 16-70

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Grande, 11-20 alunos, Médio, 6-10 alunos, Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos



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