(Toronto | Canada )

The Language Gallery - Toronto

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22 College Street , Toronto (view map)
94% (179 reviews)

À propos The Language Gallery - Toronto

Being located near by the intersection of Yonge and College, the Toronto campus puts you in the heart of Canada’s most vibrant and diverse city. The campus is situated only a minute from College subway station, streetcars and buses

Many of Torontos famous attractions including Dundas Square, the Eaton Centre and Kensington Market are just a few minutes away from the campus, while the CN Tower and Harbourfront are all just a short walk away. A range of nearby cafes, shops and restaurants will allow you to socialise with friends, relax and make the most of your time in Toronto.

Services supplémentaires

  • Transfert aéroport/gare


  • Résidence étudiante
  • Appartement partagé
  • Logement en familles d'accueil


  • Activités culturelles locales (festivals, etc.)
  • Evènements sportifs professionnels
  • Activités sociales pour étudiants universitaires
  • Bénévolat
  • Evènements sur le campus


Cours de Anglais général

94% 144 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Elémentaire, Intermédiaire, Intermédiaire supérieur, Avancé

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

Our General English language course will help you improve English communication skills and motivate you to progress as much as you can no matter your current English level.

Our standard General English language courses help you to quickly and efficiently learn the English language skills you need, developing all four key communication areas— speaking, listening, reading and writing—to build the best English accuracy and fluency for you.

Préparation aux examens de Anglais

88% 1 Commentaire

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Elémentaire, Intermédiaire

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the world’s most popular English language test for studying in higher education. The IELTS exam is accredited by the British Council and accepted by all UK universities. It is also recognised by many employers and government immigration agencies as proof of your ability to communicate in English.

The Language Gallery IELTS exam preparation courses will help you to develop the language and confidence you need to pass your IELTS exam, focusing on reading, writing, speaking and listening components of the exam.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam is the world’s most widely-accepted test for Higher Education language skills and international university admissions.

At The Language Gallery, we will help to prepare you for the TOEFL exam by focusing on key exam skills and strategies, as well as improving your academic English. There will be regular practice tests to prepare you for your TOEFL exam so that you will be able to develop an approach that works for you.

Cambridge Exam Courses
The Cambridge exams are among the most respected English language qualifications in the world, and are accepted by employers and educational institutions globally. Both qualifications feature high-quality assessment from a department of the University of Cambridge and are valid for life.

To help you prepare for these exams, The Language Gallery offers two Cambridge exam courses appropriate to your level and students practice all sections and strategies related to the test. For those at an upper-intermediate or B2 level, the First Certificate in English (FCE) is recommended. Gaining this qualification proves that you can use every-day English for work or study purposes.

For students who are at a more advanced level of English such as C1, Cambridge offers the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE). Passing this exam demonstrates your ability to research complex subjects and communicate at a professional level in challenging study/work environments.

For more details of each course follow the link below:

Cambridge FCE
A preparation course that teaches essential vocabulary and grammar that will help you to succeed in each part of the test.

Cambridge CAE
A preparation course that covers the necessary skills to succeed on the advanced English exam.

Students can also gain UCAS Tariff points with these test qualifications. Visit the Cambridge Exam and Qualifications page to find out more.

Cours de Anglais à des fins académiques

92% 7 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Intensif (>25 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

Niveaux: Intermédiaire, Intermédiaire supérieur, Avancé

The University Academic English courses will prepare you for the challenges of academic life in an English-speaking learning environment, focusing on the academic language skills you will need to succeed at university, both at an undergraduate and post-graduate level.

Our friendly and practical approach will facilitate your learning. You will have plenty of support from our teachers so that you begin your university studies feeling confident and prepared.

Anglais des affaires

100% 1 Commentaire

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Intermédiaire, Intermédiaire supérieur

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

If you need English for your career then our Business English language courses will help you achieve the skills and confidence to communicate more effectively.

The Business English classes focus on teaching you:

• the practical terminology you need to have conversations about current business issues

• the communication skills you need for important workplace situations such as presentations, discussions, meetings, negotiations, job interviews, telephone calls and socialising

• the business writing skills you need to write better emails, reports, and proposals.

Programmes de Anglais Pathway

96% 23 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Intermédiaire supérieur

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

Our University Pathway Programme prepares you for academic life in an English-speaking environment, for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies in our partner universities and colleges across Canada.

You will develop important academic skills such as listening to lectures, note-taking, reading effectively and delivering effective presentations. There is an emphasis on critical skills such as referencing, research methodology and critical thinking.

Cours de Anglais sur mesure

72% 1 Commentaire

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Elémentaire, Intermédiaire, Intermédiaire supérieur

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Particulier

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

The One-to-One classes focus 100% on your specific needs. We can spot any areas you need to strengthen and work with you to meet your individual goals. TLG offers its one-on-one course as a stand-alone class or combined with a core English class.

With a One-to-One course, you’ll get a personal teacher that can focus completely on your specific needs. The topics that you will study are decided between you and your teacher to make sure that you achieve the goals you are aiming for. Whether you want to improve your overall English language skills or focus on a particular area, you can tailor the course to your own requirements.

Group Courses
The Language Gallery can create customized packages tailored to meet your individual needs. Choose your course content, the number of study hours and accommodation you want.

We accept all groups, from university students to company teams. You can even specify travel arrangements, add meal plans with specific dietary requirements and decide whether you wish to study in a mixed (multilingual) or closed (monolingual) group

Programmes de Anglais juniors

84% 2 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-18

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

Niveaux: Elémentaire, Intermédiaire, Intermédiaire supérieur, Avancé

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants

The Experience Canada Programme (ECP) is designed by TLG Canada; a well-rounded language immersion experience for teenagers between the ages of 13-18 years of age. With the option to choose from Summer or Winter, discover the beauty of Canada!

What's included?

20 lessons per week of English language tuition
Qualified teachers
Supervision by trained counsellors
Homestay or residential accommodation
Three meals/day
Placement test & orientation
Certificate of attendance
Academic and exciting leisure activities
Airport transfer (2 ways)
Registration and placement fees



179 Commentaires

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The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

Very Good

I recommend Language Gallery it was a great experience. I was able to improved my English skills, meet new people from all around the word. I will never forget about this

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

Very good!

The school is really good, exciting, the teachers are very good. I loved this school!! But I don't like the weather in Canada. I will use my certifcate to have an upgrade in my CV.

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Programme Pathway en Anglais

Thanks Helen and Mark

I just want to say thank for everything. Helen and Mark are the best thing i found in TLG . They are friendly, polite, welcoming and patient . I leanrt a lot .

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

My experience in Canada with the TLG

My stay in Toronto was one the best experiences I have ever had in my life, I loved every single moment here, it was a life changing experience... The TLG had a big part on this trip, since the beginning they been so friendly and welcoming to me, when I had a problem they always helped me and gave the support when necessary. The teachers knew what they doing and every lesson learned made a huge impact on my knowledge of English and culture. There's field to improve in the variety and availability of courses, but I've highly recommend the TLG to every student thinking about coming to Canada.

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Préparation universitaire en Anglais

Memorable days in Toronto

The Language Gallery offers so many attractions. I learned a lot in my class that was especially focused on IELTS, and joined some activities with classmates. Every teacher and student is kind and considerate. I felt comfortable and enjoyed myself here.

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

Great time learning english

It was a very nice experience at TLG, The teachres are amazing and my English skill have progressed a lot. Toronto showed me a big multicultural experience and is a beautiful city. Canada is great country and I maked a lot of friends

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

Awesome School!

I highly recommend TLG, it's a very nice school, with great teachers, I had a really good experience in this 4 weeks, and I learned a lot! I've made a lot of friends here, and I had a great time here in Toronto.

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

General English in Toronto

I improved my english this time in TLG. Teacher Helen is very competent, worried about students, she attends individually and patiently everyone, she is very friendly, respectful, organized about activities and her classes are very creative and engaged. I made a lot of friends in the school, from different nationalities. This is my 3rd experience doing English courses in different countries, and I will miss this experience for sure! I suggest toTeacher Helen open virtual classes, because I would like to keep studying and develop my English skills with her. Thank you!!! I'm glad to come back home and start my working year after this great time, my heart is grateful!!!

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

TLG Feedback

The atmosphere is very welcoming, the teachers are very friendly and knowledgeable, I improved my English and now I feel comfortable to have a fluid conversation

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

The Language Gallery - Toronto


Etudié Anglais général

My Experience in TLG

I liked the TLG school, the courses are great and the teacher are very god. You can meet new friends from diferent countries and you can have a good experience with them. I recommend the TLG

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans



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